Friday, February 21, 2020

Feb 21: Homework: due tonight

Please distinguish between peaceful, moderate Muslims and islamists. If we just use the word "Muslims" we are broadbrushing all Muslims, which we definitely do not want to do. The Muslim leader in Mississauga who tells us about the Saudi influence and the online jihad talk is the kind of friendly Muslim we need to respect.

Your thoughts about today's videos re islamists. 10 or more sentences.


Josh Zwicker said...
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Josh Zwicker said...

In today's video, I was surprised to see how accepting Justin Trudeau was. He openly walks in to these mosques from all over Canada. He doesn't even know what he is doing in there. He goes in to a mosque that's religion is based off Osama Bin Laden and worships with them! Then he basically gives $10 million to a terrorist because he thinks he was maltreated. If anyone saw the truth like this, they would take Trudeau as a joke. Also, in the first video we watched, I was interested in how the featured moderate said that Canada needs him and others to help Muslims stay moderate. He said you can tell us to go home, but they never will. He says that he helps keep the young Muslims from being persuaded to become extremely violent. Many of the things Mr. T showed us in these videos were very interesting and almost scary. Overall, I don't think enough people know about the dangers of Islamists.

Anna Cunningham said...

I found it interesting that this is going on in Toronto and no one is aware. It is quite scary that this is happening, and why is our government supporting Muslims while they know they are trying to attack us. Also, are these terrorists being punished? Or are they like the other man that was on the no-fly list and escaped punishment. Trudeau is instead, supporting and participating with Muslims. And, the fact that the journalist wasn’t allowed to confront this criminal is obsured. And the police officer in the end couldn’t comply with the terrorist. People don’t want to confront these criminals (authority included) because they are afraid of the consequences coming to them. The danger of Jihad and these Muslims is scaring everyone including the authorities.

Daniel said...

I am continually amazed at how Muslims have accomplished so much evil in countries that have welcomed them. For example, Justin Trudeau welcomed a Muslim terrorist into our country, and then gave him 10 million dollars because of his past. This makes absolutely no sense, and then that terrorist who was supposed to banned from flying, was seen leaving an airport! i also think that it is surprising how little most people in Canada know about radical Muslims. After all, we nearly had a 911 incident but few people are even aware of this. I think that political correctness is one of the worst things to happen to Canada because now people are to scared to try to stop Muslims because they will be labeled intolerant. Unfortunately for Canada, there are millions of Muslims who would love to see it crumble and have no care if they murder its citizens. I hope that someday people will realize what a danger this radical Muslims are and attempt to stop them. As we saw in that video by Rebel News, the USA and Canada are welcoming these people, and have no idea how dangerous they are.

Kaelyn said...

I found the video we watched interesting, as it really opens our eyes to the things that are happening around us. Before I started studying this topic, I knew that their were different types of Muslims, moderate and Islamist. The moderate Muslims do not participate in the terror and Jihad that the Islamists do. The video that we watched today was very interesting, and I think that many people should see these videos. I found it scary that Muslims who have fly bans can just go on airplanes and not get consequences while people who are trying to question them almost get arrested. The same reporter was not allowed into a meeting or convention that he paid for just because the terrorist did not want his there. It is crazy that the government and the police listen to terrorists so much and not to their own civilians. I found it crazy that the Prime Minister is being advised in his foreign policies by a Muslim who goes to a mosque where Jihad is supported. Why would A terrorist get 10 million just because he was imprisoned? North Americans need to be more aware of the people that they let into their countries, and they need to be educated on Islamists.

Alana said...

I find it interesting how the police officers just do what they’re told without really thinking about what they’re doing. The guy from Rebel News was really challenging them on what they’re doing to keep the people safe by letting a former Islamist terrorist run around free. The difference between moderate Muslims and Islamists is that moderate Muslims do not participate in the Jihad and terrorism that the Islamists do. It’s insane how accepting Justin Trudeau was to these terrorists. Especially the former Al Qaida terrorist to whom Justin Trudeau paid 10 million dollars just because of his past. I think it’s great that we have certain news people like the Rebel News person who tells the truth to people in an effort to help the incessant amount of ignorance on this subject. For instance, we almost had another 911 incident and few people were even aware of this! The Westerners need to be more aware of the things going on in Arabia and they need to be informed of the deeds of the Islamists.

Noah (Unggoy) Gazmin said...

I have known for a while when I came to Canada that there were peaceful Muslims, but I didn’t find out until later about the radicals. The peaceful Muslims just want to follow the rules of the Koran and listen and submit to the government. On the other hand, radical Muslims all over the world want to destroy the west and bring glory to their God by bringing destruction. I think that the videos that we watched in class are a great revelation and the entire world deserves to know the truth behind this. In Ezra’s video, it was really irritating to see that the Police were more concerned about a “crazy white dude”, than a radical terrorist. The police didn’t even give Ezra a chance to explain about the radical terrorist just because he was “disturbing the peace”. It is scary to think that all of the radical Muslims who are currently plotting against the west while living in the west! Thankfully, peaceful Muslims, such as the Muslim leader in Mississauga are trying to spread the truth about the terrorists so that we can all be safe. The videos that we were watching in class are a great way to show what is going on, but it doesn’t provide a solution. The governments of the U.S.A., Canada, and Britain need to join together and help to stop Jihad along with the rest of the world who doesn’t agree with radical terrorism.

Jed.S said...

Living in Dubai, a Muslim country, I have always been around Muslims. I had many Muslim friends and they a were good people. I was completely blind to this concept of jihad as i could not believe that this group of people could be so violent as they were so good to me. some of my teachers were Muslim too and did not even have the slightest hint of violence in them. I always knew about terrorism but though it was just a misunderstanding of the Qumran. My friends would often talk about how they were ashamed of the terrorists and would never do the same thing. yet i cannot believe how they would be taught to kill if they lived in Lebanon or Iran at a very young age. I believe that Ezra was doing the right thing as if it was illegal for the terrorist to fly then they shouldn't be allowed to openly be able to do so with police protection. We should be able to know the truth about these things as if the 911 happened in Canada nobody would even expect it. the least we can do is know of these dangers and equip ourselves to be prepared to defend our country. If the prime minister wont help what hope do we have?