Friday, February 21, 2020

Feb 21 Teaching the Grade 4's

When I was planning projects I didn't realize we have a two week spring break, so time is a little tight.

If anyone would like to do a different project than presenting to the grade 4's let me know asap. If so, you won't be a main presenter, but you will still be involved in helping prepare and do activities.

My plan as of now is to do either two or three classes with the fours. The first one would be in the last week of April on either a Wednesday or a Friday. Then, we would do two more in May.

I have ordered some things like a six foot tall knight in armour and 3d models of a castle, and cut outs of a medieval village. Also, I have a kit from the ROM that has real items from the middle ages, like a knight's glove. It includes lesson plans. As I look it over during the break, I'll decide whether we can use these plans for your presentations. I might have you all doing somethings in each week, like helping with crafts or activities. But there will be two different team leaders per week who will be the main presenters.

I have linked to a chapter about knights on this blog. It gives interesting background and drawings that we could use in presenting. Each chapter ends with a craft, eg. how to make a knight's shield. It's designed for grade 4. Also, I have ordered a book with links to the internet. We could show things like the jousting video on the smartboard.

We can use your artistic and music skills of course. For example, maybe one of you could teach the kids how to draw a knight. You could use your talents to present a medieval tune. There are a lot of things we can do. I'd like you to start coming up with ideas and posting them on the blog.

On Monday, March 3rd, I'll quiz you on the vocabulary in this chapter "Knights" that is under "Grade 4 Project". The highest score wins a prize.

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