Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Feb 11 The difference between peaceful Muslims and Islamists...

...depends on how they understand sharia--islamic law, and jihad.

Today, we will see more of how the deadly islamists are working to destroy all of us unbelievers. 

Then, we will see how a peaceful Muslim, Tarek Fatah is hated by the islamist Ali Hindy, leader of Toronto's largest mosque, the Saladdin Mosque.

Finally, we will see how a young Muslim, raised in Toronto rescued us all.

My goal is to help you understand that the Muslim friends and neighbors are not to be feared, but we must understand how they interpret their faith. We are all in this together and we need our peaceful Muslim friends. At the same time, we must know who the dangerous islamists are among us, what they believe, and how they operate. The greatest danger is from those who wear suits and ties and tell us they are peaceful--and who have achieved a powerful influence in our government--but are actually plotting patiently to destroy us--us being all non-believers.

This will help you to see that history isn't a bunch of mostly ancient, unrelated facts. In the case of Islam, you will understand how powerful ideas beginning 1400 years ago in the Saudi Arabian desert are threatening our civilization today.

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