Thursday, February 20, 2020

Feb 20 Homework due tonight, Thursday 10 or more sentences

What do you think about the 2006 plot by 18 young muslims to blow up downtown Toronto and to behead the Prime Minister? About the fact that 7 of them attended the Saladdin Mosque, where Ali Hindy is the spiritual leader? This is from the film "Islam vs the Islamists.  The PBS network, which paid a million dollars to the producers to film this, refused to show it because of complaints from "moderate" Muslims. It has never been shown on national television. 

What are your impressions of the parts we watched today from "Obsession--Radical Islam's War against the West"?

Do you think the public should see documentaries like these?


Kaelyn said...

I think that the 2006 plot to blow up downtown and kill the Prime Minister is very scary. Many times we hear news of Muslims blowing up other cities, but never this close to home. Many people think that Canada is more sheltered from the terrorist attacks, but this plot proves otherwise. It also scares me to know that there is a mosque in Toronto that teaches and supports Jihad, and that seven of the 18 terrorists came from this mosque. I think that the film that we watched today is really good at opening our eyes to see the terrorist activity that so many people today do not know about. A person in the film commented on how Westerners were sort of allowing their own suicide by being ignorant and not knowing how dangerous some of these people are. The terrorists are training in the country that they want to attack, and that is very scary. I think that people should see documentaries like this in order for them to really see and realize how upset the Muslims are at the West and how dangerous they can really be. We are ignorant, and many people do not realize that the Muslims in the Middle East are chanting "Death to America." If people realized this, they would be more educated and aware of the damage the Muslims could cause.

Jed said...

i think that it is so concerning that people like this 18 young boys can do things like this and get their hands on bombs and weapons. if it wasn't for an informant from the inside the amount of lives lost and expenses would be unfathomable. People need to know that terrorism is not something that is plotted in different countries and executed here, but are plotted here and executed here. It seems like the salladin mosque teaches then about jihad as 7 of the 18 young men are from there. Even though Ali Hindy claims to not teach this sort of thing is seems obvious that he does. I think that the public should be able to see these documentaries and know about what could be going on in their town or neighbor hood. this does mean we should be scared of muslim it just means that we cant ignore what is going on around them. i also think that the propaganda that is being shown on tv is jus ridiculous and full of lies. the make it seem that America is a country full of demons in form of humans and even sing songs about how they will destroy America.

Jed said...

i realized i did nine sentences instead of ten so here is my last sentence:

I also find is really scary how they made the statue of liberty look like a skeleton and have the sky and sea look red in order to strike fear and anger towards the Americans

Daniel said...

I was astonished by the fact that there was 10 Canadian muslims who were attempting to murder their own Prime Minister. They were trying to kill the leader who is running the country that is supporting and providing for them! I do not understand how or why these men would ever dream of doing something like this, especially in a country that is is tolerant such as Canada. After all, there are some countries that are extremely intolerant but that is still not an excuse to try to harm that country. Also, It was very surprising that these terrorists came from a community within Toronto, proving that these radical Muslims truly are everywhere. Lastly, I am very surprised that the West is so uninformed about these terrorists for Islam, and why are they not doing more to stop it? The video that we watched in class gave very compelling evidence that these people will not be satisfied until they succeed in capturing the world for Allah! I mean, they are literally shouting death to America not only in the Middle East, but also within America! I suppose they believe that they are doing the right thing because they have been deceived by their leaders, but it is still a very scary thought to think about these people ruling the world. Thanks for showing us those videos Mr. Topalian, they were really interesting!

Alana said...

I think it is insane how such young kids are already plotting to cause such damage to society. It’s also scary to think how close to home they are. It is one thing to be like, oh this is just happening somewhere else, and we’re all good. But in reality, this kind of thing is going on even in Toronto. It is also crazy to think about the media that is circling in Arabia. For instance, videos of terrorists holding guns and singing songs about how they’re going to kill America is considered natural. I also find it astonishing how the people in the West aren’t concerned about the Muslims attacking America at all. They let a terrorist roam free and they’re “protecting” him and even paid him over 10 million dollars. I think the world should be more informed about what is going on in Arabia today. Thanks Mr. Topalian for showing us these videos!

Noah (Unggoy) Gazmin said...

I think that the attempt to bomb the city that I used to live very close to is very scary. I think that the authorities such as the prime minister should be aware of the radical Muslims living in the heart of a growing economy (he especially shouldn’t be giving money to them). The thing that I think is very interesting, is the fact that no other religion has people who want to blow up buildings, and yet no one is putting a stop to it. The mosques in Toronto housing hundreds of radicals is dangerous and I think that Trudeau needs to be shown that these Muslims might very well be the cause of his death. I think that it is very important to show the public the Obsession documentary. If more people knew about what was happening in the world today, we would be much more alert and anxious. Honestly, for me, it was very shocking to see the havoc that the Islamic community is causing today. I knew that there were occasional attacks, but I didn’t realize that there were so many. It is scary to think that the place they hate most is where I will most likely be moving in a few years. Also, the propaganda that they are spreading around is very attractive, and I can understand why the Islamic forces are so strong. What hurts me the most however, is how children are being brainwashed into believing that their god wants them to die. They are literally chanting, things like I want to die for Allah. Honestly it is unbelievable, but God says that he has a plan and a purpose for all of this, so I am going to trust him on that.

Judah said...

I find it surprising that our Canadian government doesn't pay more attention to things of this nature. I heard on the news how the Canadian justice system usually turns a blind eye to crimes committed by anyone under the age of 18, and I began to wonder; if a “9-11” happened in Canada what would the government do about it? I believe that the government would severely punish the actual activists if caught, but not do anything about the Saladdin Mosque’s teachings. The government doing this, in my head, would not be impossible because a Canadian 9-11 was nearly a reality and the Saladdin Mosque is still standing today, so this accusation is not far off. I find the deception levels of Ali Hindy incredible. He acts one way when he is in front of cameras but during his sermons, he talks about how they must destroy all their enemies (mostly aimed at the West and Israel). This kind of behavior should be looked at with suspicion even if the people saying these things were not Muslim. I think the public should introduce these documentaries into the school system, not so people will have an excuse to be racist towards Arabs or Islamists, but so we don’t try and hide the rest of the world problems from the children of today's society. I especially think we should introduce these videos in the western schools because most western educated people do not know about the stuff that is happening around the world (I didn’t even know how dramatic and extreme the actions of the jihad were until now). I also think that if children today can change their gender or have choices that your parents usually take care of, then they are able to understand the more serious issues that are happening around our world today.

Josh Zwicker said...

I was very interested in these videos of Islam. I thought I knew a lot about Islam until I watched this video. The fact that these extremists literally chant "Death to America!" is pretty scary. They burn flags and openly say they want to kill us, yet the government, and therefore the rest of the country turns a blind eye to it like dumb sheep. We are killing ourselves! I also was very interested in the close '9/11' call in Toronto. That could have destroyed the Rogers Centre, the CN Tower, and hugely populated buildings. I'm actually pretty surprised that the protection services in Canada got them in time. Finally, I was interested how so many of these lying extremists say that they are moderate, then the second you turn away they are saying we need to kill all non-believers. Then you see the whole army they have chanting death chants with them! It's crazy how stupid we are being with these people.