Friday, November 1, 2019

Omnibus: Friday, November 1, 2019 Mainstream Environmentalism--saving the planet or destroying it?

Since I have been subbing this week, I chose to focus on a global movement that has become a huge force in controlling our lives: the mainstream (major) environmental movement.

As you are becoming young adults, you will become more and more aware of how powerfully the people who claim to be saving our environment are affecting everything in our daily lives, from whether we may use plastic straws to whether we may own a car to whether we may keep our homes warm in winter and cool in summer.

Question: Most of us love animals, well tarantulas maybe not so much, but do you believe that animals are either equal to, or superior to humans? Why/why not?

How would you feel about a government that outlawed having pets--no one would be allowed to own a cat, a dog, a budgie, or a goldfish?

What are some of your thoughts about the film we just watched?--10 sentences.


Noah Gazmin said...

The film that we watched was quite interesting. Who ever would have thought that plants and animals and humans would be considered equals. I do not agree of course because of my Christian worldview and I think that people who do believe this know deep down that they are being ridiculous.

Kaelyn said...

I think that the video was very interesting. I never knew that people valued the rights of animals and plants so much. It seems so ridiculous that animals can sue people, and it will go through to court. How are humans the same value as moss or plants? It makes no sense. It is so crazy that you can be arrested in Switzerland for just picking a flower. Animals and plants are not as special as humans, and it is crazy that people think this. This was a strange video, but I think that it is interesting that animals are the same value as people.

Alana said...

This film we watched was very interesting. It showed us how flawed the logic of some people are. I can't believe how people think animals are higher in power than us humans. I feel like they all just refer back to Darwin as their base and then they come with their own ridiculous ideas. Also, it's kinda like these people say whatever they want, but then they don't do much about it. I'm sure that some people who want to ban eating meat are probably eating meat right now. I wonder if these people will ever come to their senses and realize that they're just talking crazy.

Jed.S said...

Think that it is absurd to have the same rights as an animal, clearly animals are nowhere as compared to the sophistication and complexity of our life styles. We have so much more intellect than a chimp per se that just cannot be copromised to the uneducated eco terrorists who think everyone is evil, humans, i mean.

Anna said...

This video was proof of the warped view of humans. Environmentalists are scrambling to try and save the world but, we know, with our finite beings we can ultimately do nothing because when God has his time to end the world he will act. These environmentalists are arguing that we are no higher than the ants or the plants but that we are just another "branch on the tree." It is ridiculous because these environmentalists are the ones trying to save the world but yet not taking into account what they are doing also. These environmentalist are the ones walking on the city streets accidentally killing ants and bugs with every step, and after all aren't we on the same level as all of those bugs? So shouldn't we hold vigils and funeral for each and every ant that dies? No! This whole movement is ridiculous and just like we are higher than ants, new born's or fetus' are have more significance over dogs and birds.

Daniel said...

The film that we just watched was fascinating because I never thought plants and animals could ever have equal rights with humans. It is really ridiculous to believe that because plants and animals can feel pain that makes them equal to humans. Furthermore, there are no animals that are suing people because they think they are slaves, this is people claiming that animals are slaves and suing other humans for animals.
I believe that the reason Christians are facing these types of problems today are because of definitions. For example, Darwin claimed that humans and animals are equal. However, people are now taking his definition to the extreme and claiming that plants and animals need to have equal rights with humans. The people creating these are also completely biased against humans because they do not judge plants or animals for harming humans but they are willing to fine us for harming plants! Additionally, there is absolutely no biblical proof for this theory whatsoever because God gave us authority over all creatures! That being said, it is still man's responsibility to take care of God's creation, but we have the authority to kill or eat them. I find it very confusing how anyone can even think that plants and animals should have equal rights as humans?

Emma said...

I think that this video is stupendous. People want to give animals legal rights and yet they will not give the animals the consequences of what this requires. When they give the animals legal rights, they think that this will allow the animals not to be "slaves of the humans, and yet, what happens if we want to "sue an animal?" Can this legal right go both ways? The fact that these people are promoting genocide because of the so-called "Human Cancer" of this world. Yes, some humans abuse animals, but have any of these people seen the difference between a stray cat and a tame one? Strays have matted fur, ticks, burrs, and ripped ears. They are skinny, and they live in constant fear of the world around them. Put a cat in a house and they have a warm bed, a good supply of food, and endless amounts of water. In the wild, a cat would die of starvation, of thirst, or of mere temperature. If animals surely do have rights, we should be giving them the best life they can, not leaving them on the street to fend for themselves. If they do have rights we should be taking care of them not forcing them to starve and/or be eaten in the wild.

Josh Z said...

I don't understand how someone could think that animals are equal to, or superior to humans. Animals cannot communicate to other through a phone, or just with plain words. All they do communicate with is sounds. I would also say that animals don't have a consciousness.
To answer the question the the film, I enjoyed watching the documentary because the documentaries we most commonly see are completely against any ideas in this. It's almost hard to find anti-climate change opinions and facts because its almost against the law to disagree with it. I also thought it was crazy when they said Switzerland has laws against picking flowers and cutting grass. How can you say plants feel pain or have feelings? They do not have a central nervous system, or a nerve system. Humans and animals feel pain through nerves, something plants 100% do not have.
Another thing that was crazy in that documentary was when they said some people or scientists think we need to kill chunks of the population to save the world! How can somebody say that, because if they really think that humans should die, they should be the first people to kill themselves. Also, if we need to live in this communistic, controlling society where animals and plants are superior to us, who is going to control and put this society in place. A human? Their whole idea falls apart because for society to run, a human needs to have control, or else we will all die, including many animals. They can't proceed with their idea if they can't do what they are trying to accomplish, without breaking their own laws and ideas first.

Judah said...

This whole idea is ridiculous. To begin, this video was addressing the idea that humans, although very intelligent and can think with a certain complexity, are less than, or equal to, animals or plants. They believe that since, in their heads, animals and plants were on this planet before us, we have no right to have dominion over them or be able to decide whether they live or die. This is a very weak argument that is supported by very little evidence that has been pushed down the throats of youth for decades. It seems that the government is only funding these programs because of the income they produce, they praise people that commit a crime in the name of the environment, and they threaten those who consider against these false notions.

Another thing I thought was important to include was the Christian view. The Christian view on these things is that God has given us dominion over the animals and plants. We are not to disrespect God's creation, or purposely and directly harm His creation. He will never go against His own plan either, He is never changing in His ways and He plans to destroy the world in His way. He alone knows how this earth will come to an end, so us humans will never be able to predict how God will bring an end to this earth.

Finally, the idea that these people are promoting is essentially veganism, but even that has been proven time and time again that it isn’t very healthy. While plants can provide a lot of nutrients, there are some things it cannot provide that are necessary for your body to develop and grow properly. You couldn’t even get enough protein from plants.

In conclusion, there were two main arguments in this video, for and against Animal rights. The argument that was against Animal rights was supported and factual. The other argument (Green peace, eco-warriors, animal rights activists, etc.) has no good evidence of its truth value and very weak arguments. This argument can be and is taken apart by both Christians and non-Christians. What they’re arguing isn't even that big of a problem, in fact, what they are for, is not very good for our health.

Kaelyn said...

The Bible clearly states that humans are special because we are made in the image of God. Animals and plants are not. the video is wrong in saying that us humans are no different from animals. It seems really odd and ironic that people claim that people are the cause of the destruction on the earth. It is so ridiculous that people want to eliminate and control the population. The earth was created for us, and we should not try to get rid of humans. The video conveyed this idea, when the Bible teaches the opposite.

Noah said...

Continuing from my earlier comment, there is no way that people can truly believe this because the law of the Lord is written on our hearts. The Lord told Adam and Eve that we have dominion over the animals and the plants. Why then do people believe that everything is created equally. I believe that this has partly to do with the theory of evolution and Darwinism. People think that because these less complex life forms were on the Earth Billions of years before us, humans need to respect that and let them have equal if not more control of the Earth as us. Along with this, they also believe that animals should have the right to be able to sue humans because we are all considered animals. My final thought on this is that we shouldn't agree with these people in the slightest because as Christians we know that God gave us dominion over the animals.