Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Homework: due Friday, rough draft

November 13, W3 C2  Christian martyrs during the Roman Empire

Today: work on a draft of your presentation. Hand in the draft on Friday. I will make suggestions and you may improve the draft. We’ll begin with presentations on Wednesday. Probably, we’ll do half the presentations then and the remainder on the following Monday.

Procopius 303.

Assignment: Tell us about one of the early Christians and relate his/her life to ours

Today, I am giving you time to begin working on this project. On Friday, hand in a draft of your presentation, typed, double spaced, 12 point font. Also, if you have questions, include them with the draft. Date    Topic    Name at top of page.

Topic: Prepare a 5 minute presentation on your assigned person or event. You may use the timeline as the primary source for this assignment. You must use at least one other source for more factual information.


Some questions to be answered: When and where did he/she live? Who was the Emperor during this period? (see Roman Emperors timeline on this blog) What was h/she known for? Why was he/she arrested? What did the authorities do? How did the person respond? What lessons can we learn? You are not limited to these questions. Tell us anything/everything you find interesting.

A five minute presentation will be somewhere between 500 and 750 words. If you find you can’t compress your presentation into that limit, let me know and we’ll figure out what to do.

Note: Do not just answer these questions mechanically, in order. Wherever in your presentation you think they can most appropriately be answered, do so.

If you use Powerpoint:

You may, but you do not have to, use powerpoint to complement your presentation. If you use ppt, there is a limit of 5 slides.  

The introductory slide should include the name of your character or event; the dates of his/her birth and death; a map of the city and Roman province in which he/she/it lived and died, and the Emperor’s name and time period.

The three middle slides should focus on each of your three main points about the person/event. You may use a photo of a statue, a city, a location like the forum where the person was executed. There is a limit of one sentence per slide. You might want to use a quote to illustrate something impressive about your subject.

The concluding slide should briefly express what you think is most important that we can learn from this person or event. Try to use only a graphic of some kind to remind you of what you want to say. I don’t want a whole sentence or conclusion on the slide. Be creative: if you want to begin the presentation by asking questions or posing a difficult situation facing a Christian today that might relate to your subject, do it. You could use this strategy to ‘answer’ the questions or suggest a solution to the dilemma in your conclusion.

Your presentation may not follow a 123 points plan, as for instance, 3 reasons why x is a great Christian. Maybe your subject is better told as a story, in which case if you use ppt, try to have a clear theme for each slide.

Important: You must present….you may not read from notes. You will hand the complete presentation to me. Submit it on sharepoint and give it to me on a usb thumb drive.

Do not take things word for word from the sources, unless you are using a few brief direct quotes. Summarize and paraphrase. Also, indicate in the text of your Word document, the sources using MLA style. See David Taylor and other MLA links on the blog.

Finally, you must create a 5 question quiz for the class. Ask fact-based questions to see how carefully they have been listening and taking notes.

Prepare the quiz and present it to me as another document, along with your presentation. Include your slide presentation if you create one. After each presentation, hand out your quiz. Students will have 5 minutes to respond.

Submit these online so that I alone can access them. Also, bring me your documents on a usb flash drive. Put them in a single folder called Martyrs assignment and include your name as well eg. Martyrs assignment Kevin

·         Either 2 or 3 items: 1. Word doc presentation, 2. Quiz and optional, 3. Ppt

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