Monday, November 11, 2019

Homework Omnibus: Create a google blog for Wednesday's class

From now on, we will refer to the course as Medieval History. We are beginning by looking at how Christians lived, how they affected the Roman Empire, and how with the collapse of Rome, the Christian church became the foundation for Europe through a thousand years of time known as the Middle Ages.

Your first project will be to create an interesting presentation about one of the early Christians to whom I am going to introduce you. On your blog, [there is a how to video on the right under History of the church] you'll collect various photos, maybe videos, and factual information about the person.

In a few weeks, you will each present your person to the class.

You need to bring Eusebius for this week and next. In addition, you must have both a notebook and a three-ring binder that you bring to every class. I will collect these from time to time and grade them on the neatness and completeness of your notes in both books.

Get in the habit of taking notes, whatever we are doing. Put the proper heading: Date       Topic           Name at the top of each page in both the notebook and the binder. I'll be giving you handouts which I expect to be kept neatly in order in your binders.

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