Monday, November 4, 2019

Homework due tonight: The early history of Christians from the apostles through the persecution to 312 AD and Constantine, the first Christian Emperor

Eusebius' History of the Christian Church

This begins the story of how the early Christians from the time of the apostles to the early 300's lived and often suffered under the Emperors of Rome.

Don't ask why we are not starting with Book 1 :)

I want you to write about 3 things you find interesting in this part of Book 2. Pause your computer and make notes. Do not read the book yet. I'm really interested to see if you like listening. Post your replies here on the blog. 

Remember, when you work on something longer like this, do it in Word and save the document. Then copy  and paste your work into the blog.

Please create a folder called "Omnibus". Title this document "Eusebius The History of the Christian Church. 

As we go along, you will add other documents to the folder. At some point I will collect your folders. And, by the way, if you want to add comments or questions that you'd like to raise in class, include them in your document as well.


Anna said...

Three things I found interesting:

1. I found it interesting that Philo a man who was very educated not only in Scriptures but in Platonic and Pythagorean philosophy and that he was superior to those who held high dignities in Alexandria.
2. I also found it interesting that Caius proclaimed himself to be a god and under his godship performed as emperor innumerable acts of tyranny.
3. To follow that point I found it interesting that he went to Caius in behalf of the laws and almost risked his life.

Josh Zwicker said...

1. One of the greatest persecutions against the church in Jerusalem was by the Jews in connection with the martyrdom of Steven. The disciples were only preaching to the Jews at this time. Paul was still Saul at this time and was gruesomely persecuting Christians.
2. Ethiopia is lead, as their history has kept it, by a woman.
3. Roman Emperor Tiberius, although he wasn’t Christian, defended the Christians and let its roots grow, even though he wasn’t Christian himself. There was a lot of persecution against the Christians at this time

Daniel said...

This is my real answer for three interesting things in the Church History.

1. Metthias was chosen to be one of the 12 disciples after Judas died and he was also one of the 70.
2. James became the first of Bishop of Jerusalem and was called the brother of the Lord because he was Joseph’s son.
3. Ethiopia is ruled by a woman.
4. The Jews were the only nation that did not honor the Roman emperor Caius. Caius also greatly afflicted the whole nation of the Jews and he filled the Jews’ city with images and statues of himself to anger them.

Alana said...

These are the 3 things I found interesting.

1. Steven was the very first person to preach the gospel to the inhabitants of Samaria.

2. The Romans said that no one can be a god unless they have a unanimous vote that says this person can be a god.

3. The Roman emperor Tiberius said he approved the doctrine of the gospel and let is grow even though he was not a Christian.

Jed.s said...

three things I found interesting in the part of the book were;

1. Judas the betrayer was replaced by Mathias as one of the 12 disciples.

2. James was called the brother of Jesus as he was Josephs son too. he was also known for his just nature.

3. Simon was so celebrated that he was thought to be god. and there were many people who followed this heresy.

Kaelyn said...

There were three things in this book that I found interesting:
1. That Matthias, who was chosen to be an apostle, was the first to be stoned.
2. James, the brother of Jesus, was first chosen to be a bishop.
3. The Romans did not accept Jesus as God because the senate had not voted and approved it. They did not accept Jesus as God even though Tiberius accepted it.

Noah said...

The following are three things that I found very interesting:

1. James, who used to deny that his own brother Jesus was not the Son of God, converted and later became a bishop.

2. Simon was thought to be a God, but when he saw someone doing miracles in the Lors's name, he only pretended to become a Christian. Why would someone see the truth and fake conversion?

3. In the Roman empire, people could be made gods even with a council and a vote.

Emma said...

The recording is not loading for me. I can only play the first minute but after that, it stops. I will try tomorrow on the school's internet as our internet at home tends to be slow. I would read the section to make up for what I cannot listen to, but I did not bring the book home and cannot find a copy of it anywhere. Sincerely sorry. I made a point on what I could listen to however, there wasn't much to hear in that minute.

Emma said...

My first two points...
1. The first thing that I find interesting is that this chapter speaks of the things that the apostles do immediately after the ascension of Jesus. Their actions are recorded in the Bible, however, it is interesting to hear what they did from another source as it adds different context as well as a new light on subjects that were not previously covered.
2. The second thing that I find interesting is that Matthias immediately replaced Judas. There was no extra thought involved. Also, that shortly after Stephen became closer to the disciples, he was stoned, marking the first martyr of Christian History.

Judah said...

Three things I found interesting were:
1. There were three Jame's that were known for their just nature, one was beaten to death after being thrown out of the temple, another was beheaded, and the other became the first bishop of the church of Jerusalem (he was also known as James the brother of Jesus).
2. Certain Romans could be deemed a god if they were voted into it
3. Mathias was immediately deemed an apostle after they learned of the betrayal and death of Judas Iscariot, the Betrayer
4. I also found the death of Stephen interesting because he became the first martyr of the church.

Judah said...

I enjoy listening WITH the book in front of me than just reading it.
Voice could get annoying but with the book, it isn't that bad.