Friday, November 1, 2019

Civics: Friday, November 1, 2019 An Unusual Career

What did Irene give up to follow her unusual career? What did she gain?

Do you feel you would be open to following God even if he led you in a surprising direction?


Anna said...

Irene gave up normal civilization and the commodities of life, and a paying job to work on the mission field. Irene gained the knowledge that many will have food water, medicine,shelter, and schooling when they leave her facilities. Also that those leaving will have a knowledge of Christ, and hopefully will know Him as their personal savior.

I think I would leave to do to the mission field but I also think that It would be hard for me as I love the commodities of life. If he did, I would need a very clear sign that that is what he wants for my life. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love mission work, and would go on another trip if I was given the opportunity but it would be a challenge for me to give up my life here in Canada to go there.

Josh Z said...

Irene gave up her comfort of home and of having a roof over her head, clean water, plenty of food, etc. She left a big wealthy country for a poor dangerous country.She even said it wasn't easy living like that, ans she even hated it some days. She had to be constantly reminded by God what His plan was for her.
But, what she did gain was the satisfaction of seeing these young frail children get fed meals, become educated, and just straight up put a smile on their faces. She earned God's blessing for listening to His will, and died a happy woman.

If God decided to lead me and in a completely random direction in my life, I might hesitant at first because it would be a complete change of plans. Eventually, if I was completely sure it was God's calling for me, I would comply as best I could, even as difficult it would be. The constant re -assurance of God's commands would also provide comfort.

Emma said...

Irene gave her life up to follow this career. She did not know what would become of her or what she would gain because of this, she relied fully on God's provision. However, she gained many things from her sacrifice, she gained a community in Africa and helped those she was with, come to the Lord as well as gain a future. I also believe that she became closer with the Lord because of this.

I would like to think that if God called me to do something like this I would be quick to answer yes and that I would follow through. However, like all things, this would be easier said than done. Even now, I feel as though I would like to pack up my bags and head off to Africa, however I also feel as though this feeling might be too shallow to act upon and that it would lead to nothing. If I felt a calling from God, I would call my sister, who has the same ideals as me, and head off to Uganda. That is in fact, what I would like to do with my life.