Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11 Homework and Kahoot!

Today, we will Kahoot, I hope, about the three topics I told you to prepare for last week: power of the popes, reasons for the crusades, and slavery in Islamic Spain. You need to post here what nickname you are using before we start. If we can start. I see a banner on my Kahoot page this morning saying that my Crusades, Slaves, and Popes Kahoot has been flagged for possible inappropriate content.

Your homework for Wednesday will be to have watched the 3 short videos on the blog, a total of about 20 minutes. I'll have some questions posted tomorrow. We are transitioning to the Norman Conquest of England, the 100 Years War, and the Magna Carta. We have very little class time left! I urge you to make your best effort on improving the timelines and the essay. Homework will not be much but it must be done. Please email me your responses as a Word document on Wednesday. Again, Wednesday is Q and A-- optional.

Seneca MLA Style Guide

Example of College Research Essay


Emma Whatley said...


Alana said...

Kahoot nickname: trippyyy

Kaelyn said...


Daniel said...

"You're Fake News" - Donald Trump

Judah said...

Uri T.

Noah Gazmin said...


Josh Zwicker said...

Gender: Attack Helicopter
Height: 11 6"
Power: Max
Political correctness: infinite
Intelligence: Zero

Judah said...

wait ill use

"it came from CHI-na"

Jed.S said...


anna said...
