Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29 Sword or Pen?

"The pen is mightier than the sword" is the saying. 

Agree or disagree? After we watch short videos, let's debate! Of course, one might argue that both are equally 'mighty', but just for the sake of argument, choose one or the other: sword or pen!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Homework: May 25th Late Middle Ages: Dying from the black death; dying for the Christian faith

Compare and contrast the black death with COVID 19.

These men all defied existing authority. Would you say their refusal to obey was legitimate? Why or Why not?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why did William order the Domesday book?

Homework: May 15 History is full of shocking surprises

So far, it is amazing that: 
  • Very few historians attribute the "dark ages" to the Muslim destruction and constant attacks from the 600's through 900.
  • Few mention how rich and varied civilized, Romanized life was in Visigothic Spain during the 500's and 600's.
  • Few discuss the mafia-like arrangement between Viking slave raids and Muslim slave markets in Spain and Baghdad during the 700's and 800's.
  • More than half the female population of Iceland is Celtic--from Irish, Welsh, and Scottish slaves 
  • Few explain that Muslims attacked and enslaved tens of thousands of people from coastal towns in Britain well into the 1800's.
And now, we will learn a few amazing facts about the heroic King Richard the Lionhearted, his weak brother and successor, King John, and a surprise King of England about whom we have never heard!

What is one surprising fact about each of 

  • King Richard
  • King John
  • King Louis

Post here, now!

Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11 Homework and Kahoot!

Today, we will Kahoot, I hope, about the three topics I told you to prepare for last week: power of the popes, reasons for the crusades, and slavery in Islamic Spain. You need to post here what nickname you are using before we start. If we can start. I see a banner on my Kahoot page this morning saying that my Crusades, Slaves, and Popes Kahoot has been flagged for possible inappropriate content.

Your homework for Wednesday will be to have watched the 3 short videos on the blog, a total of about 20 minutes. I'll have some questions posted tomorrow. We are transitioning to the Norman Conquest of England, the 100 Years War, and the Magna Carta. We have very little class time left! I urge you to make your best effort on improving the timelines and the essay. Homework will not be much but it must be done. Please email me your responses as a Word document on Wednesday. Again, Wednesday is Q and A-- optional.

Seneca MLA Style Guide

Example of College Research Essay

Friday, May 8, 2020

May 8 Power of the Pope: read and watch the linked video about Popes -- Kahoot Monday

Be ready on Monday for Kahoot about the video, and the two readings "Slavery in Islamic Spain"--4 pages and "Why the Crusades were called"--a quick read. I will count this one in terms of how well everyone does on it.

Today, we will watch a 10 minute overview of how the pope's role had developed from Roman times to the high middle ages. The Popes had been very influential since at least Augustine's time; sometimes resisting or commanding political authorities. But papal power reached its maximum during the high middle ages.

Why? Because most people, rich and poor, powerful and weak, believed that the Pope truly had the keys to heaven and hell. It was a fearsome thing to be excommunicated--to be expelled from the sacraments--communion, baptism and so on. If the pope did not lift the ban of excommunication, the individual believed that they would be condemned to hell for eternity. A frightening belief to invest in one man. 

We must understand the scriptures that the Catholic church bases its claim for the divine authority of all Popes. Here is a clear explanation:  Salvation truly depends on which interpretation of these verses is correct.

Given the Catholic belief that the Pope is Jesus' only true representative on earth it is no wonder that most people believed (and continue to believe) that the pope also had the power to proclaim that a person's sins were 100% forgiven. They sometimes offered, as in the Crusades a free pardon to all who fought. 

Sometimes, they sold certificates called "plenary (meaning 'full') indulgences (pardons)". They made massive amounts of money selling indulgences in the high middle ages. It was one of the practices that motivated Martin Luther to try to reform the Roman Catholic church. He saw indulgences as corrupt and unbiblical.

We'll end with a few thoughts about Pope Urban, who was the first Pope to call for a crusade, which he did in 1095. There are many interesting descriptions of how the crusades progressed over the next two centuries, but we have time only to think about why they occurred. Here is a link to a documentary that gives a very interesting look at how the first, and most successful, crusade took place:

Read the chapter on the right of the blog, "Why the Crusades were called" and be ready to Kahoot about it on Monday.

Homework: May 8 Read carefully and answer the question at the here by tonight

Here are the answers to the questions about Islamic Spain.

The question about Al Andalus and Raymond Ibrahim is based on my mistake. I meant to refer to a chapter in his book, Sword and Scimitar. I posted part of the chapter under Readings, top right of the blog, "Slavery in Islamic Spain". Please read it--only 4 pages and read "Why the Crusades were called" just above it.

In what year did the Muslims attack Spain?
in 711, my favorite store

For how long did they dominate Spain?
A bit tricky: the absolutely dominated from 711 til 1031 when Muslim rulers abolished the title of Caliph and divided up into about 30 small kingdoms, called Taifa. They still controlled most of Spain for another few centuries.

What is the reconquista? When did it begin and end?
The reconquista means the 're-conquest' of Spain by the Christians. From the early 700's, Christians who fled from the Muslims survived in the mountainous north and raided Muslim areas. But the re-conquest got rolling during the splintered kingdoms of the 11th century. You can't say it ended until the same year Columbus sailed the ocean blue, 1492, sent by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who the same year drove the last Muslims out of Grenada.

How many times does Prof Daileader mention "muslim", "sharia" "jihad" and "Islam"?

  • Islamic as an adjective --- more than 30 times, usually neutral or positive
  • Islam--the religion, only 3 times
  • Muslims--11 times
  • Arabs--27 times
  • Jihad--0 times
  • Sharia--0 times
The point of this? To show how this respected historian treats the religion very gently. You know that jihad and sharia have always been driving forces in Islam. If this is how the majority of historians present the topic, what is your opinion?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Daniel's original...

My bad...missed it. I hate saying "my bad"!!

a weird Saudi Arabian law:

"Being poor is against the law. Any man not earning a "reasonable" income can be put in jail.

Homework: May 4 From feudalism to the High Middle Ages: Answer questions based on 2nd video

Welcome, Anna. Thanks for joining us today. Feel free to ask a question or make a comment.

We are just finishing up with the study of some topics in European history during the Early Middle Ages,  a period from 300AD to 1000AD. 

We will begin to look at some important events in the High Middle Ages, 1000 to 1300.

But first, we must vote for the winner in our fun, weird facts about Islam contest. Put the number of your choice in the chat box. Winner will be announced later. The entries are:

Here is a 4 minute video explaining the feudal system. After Roman civilization broke down, Europe splintered into hundreds of small fiefs. This system lasted in some places for more than a thousand years:


As you watch the next video, take notes in response to the questions I posted on the blog. Take a minute and copy/paste questions into a Word doc. I won't stop the video, so just quick point form will do. Good idea to note the time on the video. Go over it again later. Email me a Word doc with your responses on Wednesday.

The High Middle Ages: 10 minutes

I will return your drafts of the sharia essay on Wednesday.

Fun or Weird Facts

2. There’s a barbie-like Islamic doll called Fulla. It is a role model for some Muslims, to teach girls how to dress. The commercials of this doll show her life as a perfect Muslim girl should, including her personality being according to the Islamic law.

1   3.  There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, which is about 1/5 of the world’s population. Due to birth and conversion rates, Islam is considered to be the fastest-growing religion in the world today. This is not good for us and very good for growing sharia.

 Dr. Zakir Naik tells us that the Islamic Society has discovered that Mosque means Mosquito, so Muslims should never say it.

    5.In Baghdad, [in order] to gauge how many were willing to perform mutaa ceremonies, we approached 10 clerics [religious leaders]. Eight agreed to arrange a pleasure marriage for our reporter. “You can marry a girl for half an hour and as soon as it’s over, you can marry another,” one of the clerics, Sayyed Raad, told our reporter on camera, “even after half an hour, you can marry another,” he repeats.

6. Stupid Laws. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 4 Questions on High Middle Ages: overview

Don't answer the questions yet. But, you should copy/paste them into a Word doc, so you have it ready for tomorrow's class:

1. What trends characterized the High Middle Ages?

2. What was the significance of the end of the Viking invasions?

3. What were the effects of the growth of cities during the HMA?

4. What caused the relative weakness of the Holy Roman Empire?

5. How did England and France manage to emerge as powerful nations during the HMA?

You will email me these questions and your answers in a Word doc on Wednesday. Don't worry it will be very simple and straightforward. I will explain tomorrow. Homework for Wednesday will take no more than half an hour. Less if you take effective notes.

May 3: Is 2 meters distancing supported by science?

Is there any science behind two-metre social distancing rule…? Government adviser says guidelines on keeping apart was 'conjured out of nowhere'

May 3 Interfaith groups: MB stealth technique

The Vatican-sponsored Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has called for a common day of prayer and fasting, asserting that the world is “facing a great danger that threatens the lives of millions of people around the world due to the growing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” “While we reaffirm the role of medicine and scientific research in fighting this pandemic, we should not forget to seek refuge in God, the All-Creator, as we face such severe crisis [sic],” the message states.

“Therefore, we call on all peoples around the world to do good deeds, observe fast, pray, and make devout supplications to God Almighty to end this pandemic,”

Friday, May 1, 2020

May 1 From Roman civilization to Al Andalus to the European "Dark Ages"

Next week, we are moving on to the High Middle Ages. Also, in May, we will take a look at a few defining topics in the Late Middle Ages. If you have time, read the lectures that match the remaining timeline topics.

In the study of history, as with many other academic subjects, nothing is settled. Though we are using mainly the lectures of Prof. Daileader, a respected historian, we should not think that neither he nor any teacher, not even, ahem, me,  has brilliantly settled all questions. The prof's explanation of how and why Islam conquered half the Christian world barely touches on some key facts, such as the Viking/Muslim slave trade. 

Today, we'll look at some facts regarding "Al Andalus" that must be considered. By the way, Daileader is considered a moderate, mainstream historian. Keep in mind as you continue your studies that it is necessary to always look for different views; sometimes valid information comes from a very few 'unpopular' individuals. Copernicus, the astronomer who challenged the church view about the sun revolving around the earth, is a case in point.

Historians have long debated the question “Why (and how) did the Roman Empire fall?” The last emperor in the West, 16 year old Honorius, was deposed in 476, yet it is known that Roman civilization continued to flourish throughout the empire until approximately the mid-seventh century. .

But Roman civilization flourished for much longer in Visigothic Spain and other provinces. That being true, how can we understand the collapse of civilized Europe into the "dark ages" of feudalism? (You don't have to answer this for homework but you need to do some research on the term "feudalism". Prof Daileader's lecture and wikipedia will do. Should take you no more than half an hour)

Understanding what really happened in Islamic Spain may hold the key to understanding how Western Christendom fell from high civilization into centuries of 'feudal dark ages'.

Most historians claim that Muslim controlled Spain—“Al Andalus”---enjoyed a Golden Age of multicultural harmony and advanced learning. 

However, a few historians, like Raymond Ibrahim (Sword and Scimitar) and Bill Warner (the jihad map) disagree. They have completely different answers to the questions about the collapse of the Roman Empire into the feudal "dark ages" and whether there ever was a "golden age" in Islamic Spain.

Do not post answers for homework. I'll Kahoot you on these questions and on some details from Raymond Ibrahim's interview next Friday.
  1. In what year did the Muslims first attack and then rapidly conquer Christian Spain? 
  2. For how long did the Muslims dominate Spain? 
  3. What is the reconquista? When did it begin and end?
  4. How many times does Prof. Daileader use the words “Muslim” “Islam” “jihad” or “sharia” in the lecture?
  5. What are a important few facts about "Al Andalus" that Ibrahim mentions?

May 1 Chinese Christians arrested for Zooming