Friday, January 10, 2020

Jan 10: Instructions about Timelines and what's coming up

On the right of this blog, you will find a link to the ppt example I showed you in class today. There's a great visual timeline on the left. From about the 8 minute mark to the 12th covers our period.

This is the kind of information I want on your timelines. If you've already completed yours beyond number 8, Justinian, you are ahead of the game. You may have included more detail than I have here, which is fine. Just make sure you have at least what I is in my example. Note that I am giving both the centuries and the  dates when Emperors ruled, not the birth/death dates. If you have done birth/death, that's ok.

We will add to your timeline ppt as we go along. Notice I included general times for lectures 5 and 6, barbarians, Franks and Goths. No need for details right now, but if you've already included some, that' good!

On Monday, give me your draft up to and including Justinian. Include your initials on the usbs so I can return them to you. 

Though this is a first draft, it will be part of the grade for your final draft, so do your best.

 Keep your notes and lecture overviews in good order and review them after each class. This will help you a lot when it comes to tests.

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