Friday, January 31, 2020

February 1, 2020 The fall of Rome and the barbarian invasions

Thanks for your responses yesterday. I'm thinking about how I can use some of your suggestions. For instance, though some of you really enjoy so far the lectures and the notes, others have said that it gets a bit repetitive hearing the same voice and/or the notes are too easy. I had already planned to bring in other voices to present some topics, which I'll begin to do. Also, I will gradually make the note outlines more general. There will be less detail so you will have to become more skilled at capturing important points. 

We will vary the pattern of lectures and bring in some short videos to make topics more lively. I'm thinking about kinds of games and activities like Kahoot. I will revise my ideas about testing. Every two weeks is probably too often. My thought at the moment is to test you every six weeks and give you a heads up on the most important topics.

A couple of you would like to do an in-depth essay; others would like to do projects. Maybe we can allow both to do what they prefer. I will give it more thought.

Today, we'll watch a short video that illustrates the fall of Rome and the barbarian role in ending the Western empire. Then, we will take notes on the first part of the Barbarians lecture, which we will finish on Monday.

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