Monday, June 1, 2020

Homework June 1 Princess Anna Komnenos

Due tonight.

Here is the preface to Anna's, "Alexiad", which is the first work of history written by a female, nearly 1000 years ago. She tells of her father, the Emperor Alexios, the history of his rise as a young noble to one of the great Emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire. Alexios is the emperor who appealed for help to Pope Urban, setting in motion the first and most successful crusade. Anna's book is full of details about the crusaders from her view as a royal eye witness. 

You can buy the Alexiad as a kindle ebook for only $5

I want you to read the preface, which should take maybe 15 minutes at most. Give me five sentences or more. Are you impressed or touched by anything you have read?


Kaelyn said...

I found it impressive that Anna wrote this history out because her husband did not finish it writing it down. Anna had such love for her father so she wrote a whole history book so that his deeds would not be forgotten. The descriptions of misery that she gives after her husband died shows of her deep devotion to him. It also impressed me that even before he died, Anna's husband planned military action even though he was very sick. What I read so far was very interesting, and I thought that all of the deeds I read about so far were impressive.

Emma Whatley said...

i think that the most interesting part was in the part we read together. How she said that because she is now a historian she must put away all bias. She speaks of how now that she has become a historian, she must write good about her enemies and bad about her friends if it is the truth. It is ironic to read about this because she was the first female historian in the history of man and she went out of her way to be unbiased and tell the truth. And now at this time, all historians are biased. I think that she is incredible because she was so well learned in so many subjects, and how in that video it said that if she had been in the time of the ancient greeks she would have been considered a tenth muse. I think that it is quite ironic that the first woman that is allowed to become a historian surpasses all other male historians of her time.

Noah Gazmin said...

Just from reading the preface I can tell that Anna was very well versed in rhetoric and history. It surprised me that she is not well known like other authors of her time like Dante or even some of the ancients. From what I read, her ability to write and portray emotion are close to the same level of rhetoric as St. Augustine. I found in her reading that she likes to portray emotion even personal ones to her readers. She mentions her sorrow, but later says that she will have to put that behind her. If her work is anything like her preface, she should be recognize and regarded more highly than she is. I believe that she made a name for women at a time where women were not held at the same standard as men.

Anna said...

I think it is interesting that Anna was well versed in rhetoric and such. i thought that this was skill that the males may have as scholars but not women. Also, in her society it is strange that she became a historian as all those before her were male. Im sure there was a lot of controversy in the time. It is amazing that she was taught in the highest and was able to accomplish what many thought was not appropriate for a woman in those times.