Sunday, April 19, 2020

Class: April 20: The Muslim Brotherhood's stealth techniques for destroying us from within

I think you know that the scheduled Wednesday Q and A class is optional, but the M and F classes are required. Also, the short blog homework assignments are necessary to complete.  A few students have fallen behind in this.

When you read this, you may be tempted to FREAK OUT. Don't! I am not heartless.

We will see today, Monday, that the Muslim Brotherhood is operating on a plan called the Explanatory Memorandum that was drafted in 1991. At that time, almost all the legal, mainstream Brotherhood groups operating in the USA were partners. Since then, dozens more islamist groups have sprung up. Part 2 of the Center for Security videos will help you understand a lot about the "stealth jihad". 

1.Homework in 3 parts this week: based on Part 2 video
Estimated time: 30 minutes to view; 15 minutes for each 3 stealth methods: ie 1 hour 15 minutes by Friday

Bonus: This homework will help you in the jihad topic of your essay.

I'm listing all 9 techniques they are using:
1 Information dominance:
2 Prohibit ‘blasphemy’ and ‘slander’
3 Media self-censorship:
4. Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community
5. Demands on Educational system
6. Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge building”
7. Sharia compliant finance
8 Sharia in American courts

9. Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence eg Huma Abedian

By tonight, I want you to briefly explain the first 3, giving one example of each method that concerns you. Which of these 3 is most concerning? Why?  

Before class, Wednesday, post up the same about the next 3 techniques, and before Friday's class,  the last 3.

If you have time, you can cover all nine asap, but only post them up on schedule. This is important!

On Friday, I'll kahoot you on these stealth methods. Also, I'll give you detailed notes taken from the video. I'll expect you to know these well. At some point in May, I will give you something between a quiz and a test on it.

2.Homework due next weekend:

Estimated time: 15 to 20 minutes to read each lecture; 

Read Lecture 17,  Vikings;   and Lecture 21, Al Andalus

3.Draft of Essay due two weekends from now:
Estimated time: 2 to 3 hours per week this week and next = 4 to 6 hours total by May 2

In two weeks, ie by Saturday, May 2nd, email me a Word document with a draft of the essay. I'll give you part marks for the quality of the draft and I will give you feedback. The final version will be due on May 16th, again by email.


Anna said...

Information Dominance

Information Dominance is a military term for a technique that can be decisive in war. It is shaping and dominating the perception of the threat and misunderstanding the enemy and its threat. Basically, they can change anything they want to and roll with it.

Prohibit “blasphemy” and “slander”

They put out a 10-year plan to stop the defaming of their religion and the slandering of it. Anyone who blasphemes it or slanders or defames it will know about it. Molly Norris is an example of this, she apparently blasphemed the religion and was killed. They used it as an object lesson and a reminder of what happens when you cross paths with Jihad. The UN has used Human rights as a gateway to stop the defaming of religion, but by religion, they mean Islam.

Media Self-Censorship

They came out with a law that if about not offending Muslims. You must practice moral equivalence and Muslim censorship. You must not use words unless you know what they mean, such as jihad. Journalists are forced to practice these laws in their journaling, and if they don’t they know the threat of Jihad that hangs over them.

The worst of the three is prohibiting blasphemy and slander, I think. The reason being that they didn’t really know what they were getting into and the next minute they are a victim. It is scary to think of the threat that lies above our head because of Islam.

Daniel said...

Information Dominance:

An example of how the Muslims are using information dominance is how they are abusing the United States high standards against intolerance. For example, in the original report covering the 911 attack, the words such as Muslim and Islam were used quite frequently, as well as violent extremists. However, organizations in the Muslim Brotherhood started protesting that this was intolerant, and now in recent reports these words are gone.

Prohibit Blasphemy and Slander:

Some of the methods that Muslims are using this as a stealth Jihad tactic is trying to convince governments to remove anything that they find offensive. Furthermore, if anyone says anything that offends a Muslim, they can receive death threats from Muslims or even be held in a court of law by their own countries.

Media self-censorship:

Stealth Jihadists are using the method by having the American media guided by all of these rules regarding Muslim attacks such as 911. For example, American writers are banned from including religion in their reports, and heavy restrictions are also placed around the word Jihad.

I believe that the worst of these three methods is the information dominance. It is very frightening to think about how much of our society's information is secretly being controlled by Muslims.

Emma Whatley said...

Information Dominance

Information Dominance is where they look at how much of a threat we think they are, and use that to their advantage. They can also change how threatening they come across as to lull us into a false sense of security. They use this to make them look less threatening and also to make us unaware of a threat at all. One example of this that is concerning, is how the Muslim Brotherhood complained to the FBI about ‘offensive speech’ and were able to erase any link they had to the 9/11 attack, and how the same thing happened the following years, multiple times.

Prohibit “blasphemy” and “slander”

When the Muslim Brotherhood prohibits “blasphemy” and “slander” against anyone they deem important to their religion, they do whatever they can to make those codes or that person follow the Shariah law. There is one organization that is in control of this mainly, it is the OIC. The OIC’ goal is to make a world-wide requirement for all nations to “prohibit and criminalize expression that offend Muslims.” The worst example of this is when a journalist named Molly did not want to offend the Muslims because of Mohammed being drawn in a bear suit, she made a ‘everyone draw Mohammed day.’ After thousands responded, the Muslims were alerted, and Molly was threatened with murder, the FBI told Molly that she should take the threat seriously, go into hiding, and change her name. She hasn’t been heard from since.

Media Self-Censorship

Media Self-Censorship is where the Muslims force the media to ensure that it is not posting anything that is remotely offensive to them. The Muslims even went as far to say that terms like “white supremacists” and “radical anti-abortionists” must be included when writing about terrorism. Also, how the media employees are brainwashed to think that jihadists are just anyone who works towards the good of Islam. The media are also made to have their news stories reviewed by Muslims before they are published. Most of the media has conformed to these requirements

I think that the worst of the three is information dominance. I also think that the other two somewhat fall under information dominance. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, but ignorance about the sword over your head about to drop is not.

Alana said...

1. Information Dominance:

Information Dominance is a technique that the Muslim Brotherhood uses to keep the infidels ignorant of the true nature and progress of shariah. Information dominance can cause shaping and dominating perception of the threat. If people don’t understand or misperceive the threat doctrine, then there will be no action taken to counter it. For instance, the Muslim Brotherhood complained when the blue-ribbon congressionally mandated 9/11 commission had an extensive list of words used like Jihad, Muslim and Islam. They complained that the use of these words were offensive and other words should be used instead. The government ended up changing the words and the usage of the words lessened.

2. Prohibit ‘blasphemy’ and ‘slander’:

This technique is an effort to discourage or prohibit what the Islamists call blasphemy and slander against Islam, Allah, Muhammed, and their followers. The Brotherhood has a powerful ally in its efforts to suppress Western awareness of the true, threatening nature of shariah: The Organization of Islamic Conference. This organization is devoted to converting the entire world to Islamism. They threatened to murder a cartoonist named Molly Norris just because she proposed on her blog to have a “Draw Muhammad Day”. She was forced to change her identity and go into hiding because of the threats. The goal of the OIC is to get member nations to prohibit and criminalize express that offends Muslims. Those who have warned against shariah’s threat have faced legal prosecution for giving offense to Muslims.

3. Media Censorship:

Within the weeks of 9/11, the American journalist guild adopted guidelines for reporting on ‘the War on Terror.’ The guidelines explicitly submit reporting to the dictates of moral equivalence, not offending Muslims, Taqiyya, and media censorship. For media censorship, they want men and women to review their coverage and make suggestions. The Brotherhood doesn’t want people to see things that they don’t want them to see. Most of the US media has conformed to these objectives. There will be no usage of the words jihad unless there is context and only if the speaker is using the word in a proper manner. Using these tactics, the Islamists can have control over what the Westerners know about shariah.

The worst of these things is information dominance. If the Islamists are controlling what the Westerners hear and know about shariah, then it won’t be any problem for them to take over with their dangerous ideology.

Noah Gazmin said...

Information Dominance:

This is one technique that the Islamists use that can be very devastating. They try to distort the way that the western world views them to their advantage. Right now many political leaders are ignorant to the imminent threat right under their noses. This is why the Islamists may be able to have plans for attack very soon. Some ways that they distort our view of them, is by saying that things are offensive to them when really they are trying to take the media's attention off of the fact that the threat is Islam and not just random terrorists.

Prohibit 'blasphemy' and 'slander'

There is a group called the OIC, and it is the second most powerful group in the world. They are trying to spread Sharia. They also try to criminalize expressions that 'offend' Muslims similar to Information Dominance. They have even gone so far as to use the Human Rights institutions to "stand up for their religion" so they don't look as bad as they are. People such as cartoonists and television producers have received death threats because they portrayed Islam in an inappropriate way.

Media Self-Censorship

Guidelines have now been made for journalists about how they portray different religions. They are supposed to use groups such as white supremacists instead of just radical Muslims when talking about terrorism. They are also supposed to refrain from using language such as Muslim extremist because it making the entire religion look like it was causing the terror, even though in essence this might have been the case. Finally, they have to ask people from the groups that they are writing about if the work is okay to be published meaning that it is no longer offensive.

I think that the most influential of these things is a mix between Media censorship and information dominance because they work together. It seems like they are saying that they do not want to be offended in these hundred different ways so that their secret plans do not get out. They are trying to control the government's and the people's knowledge (information dominance) by keeping restrictions on the news (Media Self-Censorship).

Kaelyn said...

Information dominance:
Information dominance is a military term for a technique that is deceptive in war. Jihadists use this technique to keep the public unaware of the true nature of Jihad. They do this because if the Americans do not know the threat, they will be unable to stop it. An example of this is in the 911 attacks. Words such as Muslim and jihad were used in the report of the incident, but the Muslim Brotherhood found it offensive, so the government changed the words.
Prohibit Slander and Blasphemy
They wanted to prohibit slander and blasphemy against Islam and Allah. In August 1990, the OIC adopted a sharia compliant human rights declaration and has used this to stop blasphemy against Islam. They are using the UN to tell other countries to stop saying phrases that offend Islam. Because of this, some who oppose sharia are subject to legal prosecution in their own country just for exercising free speech.
Media censorship
Media censorship is that nothing that is offensive to Islam should be on the media. They want all offensive media taken down, and the people who made it punished. One cartoonist lost her job, had death threats, and was forced to go into hiding because she made offensive media.
I think that the Information dominance is the most concerning, because Muslims could be plotting an attack that we would have no idea what it is or how to fight it.

Jed.S said...

Information Dominance:

Information dominance is basically a military terms that means it is okay to deceive other people in war. they change the way the western world sees them, and makes it seem like they are innocent people just like you or me, when in fact they are working for the Muslim brotherhood.

Prohibit 'Blasphemy' and 'Slander':

this was a way of making sure nobody talked bad about Islam and Allah. This was fine but the methods that were used to ensure this were evil. take a woman named Molly Norris, she was killed for this cause.

Media censorship

Basically the protection of the name of Islam should be in media and nothing offensive of the sort should be in there. anyone who does this can receive threats and go into hiding

Josh Zwicker said...

1. Information Dominance
a. This is about how the extremists keep us in the dark about their real plans. Even though it is written in public documents about the true nature of sharia, the public think sharia is just dedicated Muslims. Basically, these people plan to keep the west ignorant of what they really want to do, despite the obvious signs. A concerning example of this is how the government writes off imminent threat from the extremists even though the evidence is right there in front of them.
2. Prohibit blasphemy and slander
a. The Muslims do this by calling any sort of identification to who they really are racist. Anyone who tries to expose their real faces are politically ripped to shreds. Real examples are all the writers and people who report the truth on these issues like Ezra Lavant who had his own country turn on him, even though he was just protecting it.
3. Media self-censorship
a. Journalists cannot freely report on Islamism and sharia. There is so many guidelines they must follow that they can’t even write a proper story. They must be politically correct in their writing and can never say anything bad about Muslims or jihad without directly relating it to anti-abortionists etc. An example is the guidelines the Society of Professional Journalists have in these situations.

I think the most concerning out of these three is Information Dominance because it just goes to show how little we know about the extremists. They are close to completing their plan and we will lose our freedom.

Judah said...

Information Dominance

This is a military term for when one side controls what the other side knows. If they have control over what others see they can easily blind them to the truth. This is concerning because the Muslim brotherhood has blinded the Americans from the intentions of the Muslim extremists.

Prohibit ‘blasphemy’ and ‘slander’

This ploy is basically demanding countries to give them special privileges and concessions. They have the advantage of saying that if you don’t comply with my wishes you will be labeled as “Islamophobic”, which is a title with a lot of controversy around it. The concerning part is that some of these demands are being granted throughout the country.

Media Self-Censorship

This is when stealth Jihad determines what other countries post about Jihad and other Jihad related content. They twist the image of Jihad’s true intentions to make it seem as if jihadists were no more than Muslims working towards the good of Islam. There do not allow people (newscasters, journalists, etc.) to use the words jihad unless the speaker is using the word in a proper manner and with context. It's crazy because the world is surrounded and somewhat controlled by media and technology, so to be in control of the media is to basically be in control of the modern world. I find it very concerning that they are so powerful as to be controlling what we see and hear these days.

Anna said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individual or as a community

Muslims now demand special treatment as a result of their religion. They ask for special time off so they can do their prayers, they get special holidays such as Eid, which is like Labor Day for non-Muslims. Also, they get footbaths and prayer rooms put in public spaces, out of the taxpayer’s pockets. Muslims really believe they are above everyone else, and they are beginning to rule the world as such.

Demands on Educational System

Muslims now are demanding that special education systems be put in place for their Muslim families and children. They want to establish Muslim charter schools and changing textbooks so that the view of Muslim is positive, and other religions are negative. Muslims really want to inform the young and change worldviews to Muslim; they obviously know that to change a young’s mind that to inform the old. They are pouring millions of dollars into not only their education for their benefit, but also for their religion. The reason being that, if they get into the minds of these students, they have already converted them.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge building”

This method is a smart one because they are getting underneath everything and put their roots down basically. Using Christian places of worship and Jewish synagogues is a great example because more and more people will become interested in the Muslim faith sharing their building and it is a great way to share their religion with the world. This is their way of bringing “infidels” to their faith.

The most dangerous among these three is the Education System Method. I think this is the most dangerous because as I said before, getting your worldview into young minds is like you have already converted them. The more and more youth they influence the greater their religion becomes.

Kaelyn said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims
Muslims have demanded favored treatment in many different ways, such as asking for prayer rooms in public places, time off of work for prayers, pay on Muslim holidays, and refusal to service blind people. They also wanted triumphalist mosques and Islamic centers, such as the Ground Zero in New York.

Demands on educational systems
Islamists are penetrating the school system and starting to establish Islamist charter schools. The Islamists are trying to change textbooks to put Islam in a favorable light, invite Islamic speakers, and enforcing all this with testing favor towards Islam. Brigitte Gabriel, the president of Act For America claims that Muslims are succeeding in this goal and are brainwashing students.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christians, into cooperating by “bridge building”
Islamists are doing many different interfaith excursions, and are even doing interfaith seminars, panels, and services. They are borrowing Christian churches and Jewish synagogues for Muslim worship and are enlisting support for mosque building. They are condemning Islamophobia, touting shared faith traditions and practices, and are prohibiting defamation of religion. Some Christian leaders are sometimes helping Islamists without realizing it.

I think that the deception of the Christians and other faith groups are the most concerning because Christians are helping the Muslims. Christians do not know what they are doing when they are helping and are being brainwashed to the cause of why they are helping the Islamists.

Noah Gazmin said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims

The Muslims have demanded special treatment from the government in different ways, which I think is a bold thing to do. They are asking for special time off during a work day for prayer as well as having paid holidays that are in their religion. They want to have the right to say no to blind people as cab drivers, because they think that the seeing eye dogs are unclean. Finally, they also want foot baths and prayer rooms in public places. What's next, and Islamic branch of government???!!!!

Demands on the Educational System

Because the Middle East makes so much money off of oil, they give portions away to universites and schools in the US. Major universities are receiving millions of dollars to add Middle East study departments and Arab teachers. By hiring Islamist teachers, to brainwash the students to believe that the real enemy is the United States. They are trying to tear down our countries from within by our own hands. They are also penetrating public school systems and "rewriting" textbooks for their benefit.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups into cooperating by “Bridge Building”

Many Muslims are trying to make Islam sound more appealing by partnering with Christian and Jewish groups who really don't know what is going on. They may make a deal with a Christian church to use the place as a prayer room. This leads to people converting over to Islam because they are being exposed to it more and more. They are trying to criminalize "islamophobia" and are also partnering up with Christian churches. One famous one is now called Chrislam. They are also constantly trying to receive money for mosque building.

I think that the most alarming of these is how they are penetrating the school systems. The fact that universities are accepting money and are helping to raise terrorists is scary. I think that there needs to be a stop to this so that they can not take over America from within. The brainwashing of the students is also one of the saddest things.

Alana said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community:

Muslims require/demand certain concessions for themselves. A few examples of such concessions that have been demanded are footbaths and prayer rooms in public spaces at taxpayer-expense. Muslim cab drivers are even allowed to refuse to offer service to the blind passengers with seeing eye dogs. They say the dogs are unclean and won’t allow them. They even demand time off work.

Demands on Educational system:

Muslims are paying big bills to universities across the US to start teaching the students that America is bad and that Israel is evil. They are able to do this through their success with oil. Major universities are now receiving millions of dollars to add Middle East study departments, Arab speakers, and new Arab textbooks. These Islamist teachers are trying to brainwash the students and they may possibly be succeeding.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating:

Muslims are trying to bring unbelievers to Islam by building a faith where both sides can mix with each other. The sole purpose is to bring unbelievers to the faith of Islam. Islam has even come up with the concept of “Chrislam” to bring people of the cross over to Islam. Islamists are doing many interfaith excursions and trying to condemn Islamophobia. Some Christian leaders are even helping Islamists without realizing it.

I think the scariest out of all these techniques is the way that Islamists are taking over the universities’ education system. They’ve realized that the way to affect the future is to affect the youth and they are succeeding in brainwashing the beliefs of the youth. These universities won’t stop them because who could say no to money.

Daniel said...

Wednesday Comment:

Demand Concessions/favoured treatment.

Another method Islamists are using is demanding concessions. For example, the Metropolitan airport proposed the initiative of giving taxicab drivers the right to refuse service to the blind. This is because the Muslim drivers found their blind passengers dogs offence, according to their religion.

Demands on Educational system:

People in Saudi Arabia are using the money and power they receive for their oil to pump lies into America's educational system. For example, almost every major University or College in America is being secretly given funds of millions of dollars to start an Islamist/middle eastern program at the university. Then Muslim professors are appointed who are brainwashing their students into believing what they want them to believe.

Deceiving other faith groups including Christians:

Stealth Jihadists are using this method of stealth Jihad by using powerful religious groups such as Christians or Jews to help stop Islamphobia. The Muslims are exaggerating their situation and because Christian leaders are helping them they get good public appearance. Also, they are trying to build connections to these people so they will be easier to stop in the future.

Of these three methods, I believe the demands on education is the most concerning since it is now difficult to know if what young people are taught is the truth, or simply what the Muslims want us to believe.

Emma Whatley said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community

This is where, like the title implies, the Muslims require the government to favour them at the expense of the rest of the country and using the taxpayer’s dollars. Some of the things that the Muslims require from the government include footbaths and prayer rooms in public places, paid holidays in random parts of the year, time off in the middle of school or work to pray, and the ability to turn away blind people if they are a taxi driver. I think the worst one is turning away the blind.

Demands on Educational system

Within the Sharia law is the knowledge that if they can get into the educational system, they can control the culture. They infiltrate the educational system by establishing Islamist charter schools, changing textbooks to make Islam the only good religion and all others are evil, and encouraging Islam speakers. A horrible example of this is how because of the wealth from oil in the middle east, Saudi Arabia donates money to the colleges and universities of America and places professors within the staff, professors who teach on how Islam is good, and America is bad.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge building”

In this stealth jihad technique, they undermine other religious groups by pretending to be “building bridges.” They do this by making them participate in multiple faith seminars, panels, and services; they use Jewish and Christian places of worship for Muslim purposes; they condemn ‘Islamophobia’; enlist support for mosque-building; etc. These all concern me because by themselves they seem harmless but together they kill.

I think that the worst of these three techniques is the Demands on Educational system, because those kids in those schools are who will be the leaders of tomorrow, they are the future presidents and prime ministers and mayors.

Josh Zwicker said...

4. Demanding favoured treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community
a. Muslims have gotten favoured treatment by the government. They got their own paid holiday, taxi drivers can refuse to drive blind people, etc. They also get many things through the tax-payers dollar.
5. Demands on the educational system
a. This tactic has Islamists demanding certain exceptions from the education system, furthermore, brainwashing students by putting Islam in a good light in textbooks while making other religions look bad. An example of this is the money that Arabs pour into the American universities, deploying their professors to lie to students to make America look bad and Israel. They have exceptions for Muslims all over campus. Many of the money these universities receive from these Islamist organizations are easily traced to Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
6. Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christians, into cooperating by “bridge building”
a. This involves stealth jihadists befriending other Christian and Jewish churches. They use their clout to help themselves. As this friendship grows, the other churches defend the Muslim church to decrease Islamophobia. This is what the Jihadists want the churches to do. An example of this is the developing faith of Chrislam. It is very much a one-way faith slanted towards Islam, and these Christians are being amazingly deceived by the jihadists.

The most concerning out of these three topics is by far number seven. Its concerning to know that some churches are falling for the jihadist lies. These people are after the destruction of the Christian faith as one of their number one priorities.

Jed.S said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims

Muslims have actually found a way to make the government work for them. they have special holidays in which they are still paid. the also get many benefits that we actually pay for through tax. they even are allowed to refuse aid to blind people as taxi drivers because their dogs offend them. they also demand Muslim things like foot baths be available in public places.

Demands on the Educational System

the Muslims want to have their religion in text books of every school to depict them in a way that makes them seem like they are the best religion. they feel like knowledge of the sharia law and Muslim teachings may actually convert students and grow the Muslim population. in fact they expect the teachers to teach that Islam=good and America=bad in america itself. they pay millions to universities to try and bribe them into teaching these things.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge building”

This uses such an innocent thing as friends ship and turns it into a plan for evil. they are actually willing to be backstabbing liars to make Islam great. they try to befriend Christians and Jews and have them defend the Islam faith from media and tell of their innocence. this makes them seem harmless to media and churches would back this up because of the friendship.

Judah said...

Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community

Muslims have taken advantage of our “freedom-based” government by making demands, knowing that our government cannot say ‘no’. They have basically enforced special privileges to be granted for them. They have the right to refuse service to blind people in taxi’s and they also have their own paid holidays. They also use money that comes from taxpayer's dollars.

Demands on Educational system

Muslims have control over what public schools teach their children about Muslims, making it seem as if Islam was the best religion. Muslims think that being taught the Sharia Law and other Islamic teachings will convert some students in America. American students are even being taught that Islam equals good and America equals bad.

Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge-building”

This is possibly the biggest deception Muslims tell. They “befriend” other religions like Christians and Jews, then they make them say things in the media that depict Islam as an innocent religion. When Muslims get the biggest religions to defend them, they send a message to other religions that Islam is an innocent religion.

Anna said...

Sharia compliant Finance

Muslims can get away without paying interest or being charged interest. This crazy scheme is bigger than people think, and they have trillions of dollars because of this money racket. This scheme works because financial institutions hire sharia authorities to determine if a transaction is sharia compliant or not. The spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, is one of the sharia authorities that influenced a major event in Egypt just recently.

Sharia in American Courts

In 2011 at least 27 cases in 23 states had sharia law abiding adjudicators decided the penalty for crimes one upheld. This means that their jurisdiction was influenced by the laws they abided by, therefore allowing courts to follow Sharia Law in the US and women are greatly affected by this. This is slowly moving Sharia into the US which is extremely nerve racking and dangerous.

Place Friends or their own agents in positions of influence

The purpose of this is to destroy western civilization using their own. They can basically destroy America from the inside, and have sharia and jihad abiding people in higher authorities therefore, creating more of an influence and damage.

I think the worst of these three is placing friends in positions of Influence. I believe this because already we see Muslims in places of authority here in Canada such as the minister of immigration. This means that once they get in higher places of authority, they can basically rule the country when they have enough man- power.

Kaelyn said...

Sharia compliant finance
Many investors claim that sharia compliant financing is just socially responsible investing for Muslims. People who have this do not have interest charged or paid, no pork, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, pornography, and they akin the funds tailored for Christians and Jews. They now have trillions of dollars. This may not be benign because financial institutions must hire sharia authorities to determine if a transaction is compliant. These authorities follow sharia and can use their position to exploit information. One of the top sharia finance authorities is the head of the Muslim Brotherhood and encourages people to kill Jews. Some of this money goes into jihad and other terrorism organizations, and this is in America as well.

Sharia in American courts
A 2011 study shows that sharia was used in 27 cases in 23 states. These cases mostly had to deal with family life, and the rights of women under sharia law. One Muslims women asked for a protective appeal against her husband! Some people pro-sharia in the courts wrote a book and found over 70 cases where sharia was used. For example, a man was assaulted for dressing up as a “zombie Mohammad”, and he was found at fault.

Place agents into positions of influence
The Muslim Brotherhood wants to place agents into all positions of American government. This has been influenced by the Nazis and the USSR, and the Brotherhood’s flag bears a resemblance to the USSRs. The Muslims were trained during the Cold War in how to fight effectively against bigger powers, and they were also trained in guerrilla warfare and influence operations. Even today, Muslims have infiltrated our government. Terrorists were on Capitol Hill at one point leading Muslim prayer sessions.

I think that the most concerning of these is that Muslims place agents into positions of influence. These people can advise decisions and take important information and give it to terrorists. This is definitely concerning.

Noah Gazmin said...

Sharia Compliant Finance

Many financial companies have taken up the request of Muslims to accommodate Muslim compliant finance. Many investors think that this is just some form of socially responsible investing for Muslims, but it is actually much bigger than that. This industry has gained the Islamic groups billions of dollars. Muslims can get their way by making sure that company's are complying with what they want by getting Sharia Muslim authorities to approve of their work. Just recently, the largest group that complies with Sharia compliant finance was bought by the government.

Sharia in American courts

A recent study showed that sharia was used to decide 27 court cases in 23 different states, the majority of these being family issues. Some Muslim women and children are being denied their American rights because they are so inferior to men under sharia law. One extreme case occurred when a man dressed up as a "zombie Mohammed" and was assaulted. The judge thought the man deserved to be assaulted because he was mocking the other man's religion. The assaulter was let off the hook because the judge actually agreed with him.

Place friends in places of power

The Muslim Brotherhood is constantly trying to put their agents into places of power in the western world. This is clearly evident in the case of Huma Abedin working with Hilary Clinton. Once the Islamists have people in high positions in the western governments, it shouldn't be much work for them to take over. The Muslim Brotherhood is also applying tactics used by totalitarian groups such as the USSR and Lenin and Stalin did.

I think that the most concerning of these three tactics is placing agents into high government positions. This is because once the Muslim Brotherhood has access to top secret government files, there is not much that we could do to stop them. What we can do now however, is alert the authorities so that this can not happen.

Emma Whatley said...

Sharia compliant finance

If someone were to ask about this, they would be assured that its just “‘socially responsible’ investing for Muslims.” This Shariah compliant finance industry has around one trillion dollars. Financial companies must higher shariah authorities who not only know Shariah, but also practice it, in order to determine whether a transaction is “shariah-compliant” or not. These authorities who are mandatory staff within the company have access to confidential information and are able to exploit it at their own free will. One of the major authorities that can be hired it Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi who is also the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brother hood and he “incite[s] his audience to murder Jews, U.S. troops and other infidels.” A good amount of tithings that he collects goes towards “material support for terrorism.”

Sharia in American courts

Sharia has found its way into American courts. In 27 cases, women and children have been denied their rights as US citizens because of the court’s affiliation with Sharia. Women have been denied property rights, child custody, and divorces because of this. It is believed that in over 70 cases shariah was cited in court cases and because of that, the verdict was unfair. One example of this is when someone dressed up as Mohammed back from the dead and he went to court. In court, the judge called the victim a “dufus”.

Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence e.g. Huma Abedian

This needs to explanation as to what it means. However, the Muslim Brotherhood uses this to place members of their group in government circles, in the law enforcement community, in intelligence agencies, in the military, etc. Through these people in high positions in the government the Muslim Brotherhood employs many of the same practices taught in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Communist China. Soviet operatives during the Cold War “schooled Arab radicals in how to wage war against the West.”

I think that Sharia in American Courts and Muslim Brotherhood members in government are both of equal severity. We cannot have Sharia abiding people in our judicial and federal systems.

Alana said...

Sharia compliant finance

Sharia compliant finance is one of the most successful instruments of civilization jihad. If Americans asked their financers about it, they would be assured that it was simply a form of socially responsible investing, a means of respecting Muslim practices. But instead, Muslims are not paying or being charged any interest. Financial institutions must hire Sharia authorities to determine if a transaction is compliant. These authorities can use their position to exploit information. This industry has gained the Islamic groups billions of dollars.

Sharia in American courts

In a 2011 study by the Center for Security Policy found that sharia was used to adjudicate 27 case in 23 states. Either the plaintiff or the defendant sought to invoke Sharia law to adjudicate the dispute. In these 27 cases, either the trial judge or the appeals court upheld the use of sharia. The majority of these cases involved American women and children who happened to be Muslim were denied their rights just because Sharia doesn’t uphold women and children. In an extreme case, a man dressed up as a “zombie Muhammad” was assaulted. The judge though the man deserved to be assaulted and said this was a crime punishable by death to the Muslims. The assaulter was free to go because the judge agreed with him.

Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence

Civilization jihadists have realized that all their tactics will be more effective if they have some of their own operatives in high places of power. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to establish relations with influence wherever and whenever possible. They even employ many of the same practices used by other totalitarian groups. This is seen clearly in the case of Human Abedin working with Hilary Clinton. Once the Islamists have people in high positions in the western government, it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to take over.

I think that the most concerning of these three tactics is the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is placing their operatives in high positions of power. Once they have access to anything secret in our government, there won’t be anything we can do to stop them from spreading their dangerous ideologies. We have to somehow spread awareness of this and stop it before it happens.

Daniel said...

Shariah compliant finance:

This is a form of economics in the financial industry such as investing, but does not inolve anything the Muslims do not want such as pork, tattoos, drugs, or Western Defence. Furthermore, if a company want to make a Shariah compliant transaction, they must bring a biased Shariat authority who is always Muslim. This industry is said to be worth up to 1 trillion dollars which is very dangerous in Muslim hands.

Sharia in American courts:

In over 23 states Sharia laws were upheld in American courts, this is an outrage since these cases usually involved family matters and Sharia law denies woman and children their rights as American citizens. As an example of Sharia in American courts, a man who dressed up as a zombie mohammed and was assaulted, was ruled by the court as the one at fault.

Muslim friends or leaders in positions of influence:

This can be seen as their are Muslim in army positions, intelligence services, the media, policy groups, law enforcement, and government circles.

I believe that Muslims in positions of influence is the most concerning since it allows all of the other Stealth Jihad techniques to run efficiently.

Josh Zwicker said...

7. Sharia Compliant Finance
a. Most people just think this isn’t anything big. It’s just the government funding Muslims like other religions. But really, this industry is apparently a $1 trillion-dollar industry that Muslims now possess. Many financial institutions must check with sharia officers to make sure that their checks and the money they send is sharia-compliant. An example of one of these authorities, who have high-level access to economic information, is Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. He has many ties to terrorist organizations and even has a TV show where he encourages the murder of Jews, US troops, etc.
8. Sharia in American Courts
a. There are multiple examples of sharia being used by a plaintiff or the opponent to defend their position. This cost many women their equal rights because in sharia, women are inferior to men. An example of this is in New Jersey when a woman appealed for a protective order against her husband. Another example was when a man’s assault charge against a Muslim was dismissed because, under sharia, he wasn’t guilty.
9. Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence
a. This is their plan to infiltrate the US government. The tactics they are using are like other totalitarian governments we’ve seen like the Nazis. They get into the government so they can gain as much power as possible. An example of this is an Islamist by the name of Anwar Al-Awlaki. He was a guest into a Muslim service with US congressmen. He was even involved in 9/11.\

Hands down, the most concerning one here is number 9. Jihadists are infiltrating our government with ease as the US citizens just sit back blinded. They are gaining much power fast. This is a major step in the Islamists’ plan to destroy America, and it seems like they aren’t having that hard of a time with it.

Judah said...

Sharia-compliant finance

This is where Muslims have so much economic influence that they can dictate what people around them do. They have industries that try to get rid of things that they do not want like pork, tattoos, and drugs. If a company wishes to work with Muslims, they must hire a bias Sharia law follower. The industry is worth up to 1 trillion dollars as of today.

Sharia in American courts

In 27 cases, Muslim women and children are being denied their rights as US citizens because Sharia has found its way into American courts. One major case was brought because a man dressed up as “zombie Mohammad” and was assaulted by a Muslim. The judge decided that the Muslim man was innocent because the “zombie Mohammad” was a mockery of the Muslim man's religion.

Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence eg Huma Abedian

Sharia has placed its agents high up in the American government system. Huma Abedian is a prime example. Huma Abedian worked with Hilary Clinton (the US’s near president) for many years and had close ties to her Sharia law following family. This could have posed many problems, but the very fact that she was working so high up in the American government system proves that Sharia law followers have a lot of control over the world essentially. The Muslim Brotherhood is also using tactics that were previously used by totalitarian groups like the USSR.

Jed.S said...

Sharia compliant finance

some companies actually finance jihad. they invest and use the money to support Muslim and some companies even make shariah compliant transaction by being biased for the Muslims. they own at least a trillion dollars and use this to sometimes make weapons and mosques.

Sharia in American courts:

sharia laws are actually present in the american government in more than 23 states, this is very disheartening as even innocent people can be found at fault. there have been many cases too against women and children that stripped them of their rights because of sharia law. this is actually in america, not to be confused as being in Muslim countries. there has even a case against somebody who dressed up as zombie Mohammed and actually lost the case. This actually shows how even the government can work in favor of Muslims.

Muslim friends or leaders in positions of influence:

These are people work secretly to plot against he country and even take military positions only to turn on their own allies. these people are highly respected and can use their influence for the cause of jihad.