Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6 Homework due Wednesday: An example of stealth jihad

By Wednesday: watch this 10 minute video and answer the following questions:

  • Does this video convince you that the 'stealth jihad' is a great danger to our safety? 
  • What surprises or shocks you most?

Give me at 5 to 10 sentences in response.


Josh Zwicker said...

This video definitely convinces me of the dangers of stealth jihad to our society because first of all, I didn't know this, and moreover, I don't know anyone that does, except maybe my grandpa. It's scary to think about how close Hilary Clinton was to winning that election and what that would have meant for America. If America can catch and realize what these people are so blatantly doing, what is Canada going to do?

Some things that shock me the most is how close that girl is to Clinton. Second of all, how close she is to terrorism. Thirdly, the unpatriotic and destructive actions of Hilary Clinton on America's behalf. Leaders like her cannot get in power. We will be in trouble if they do.

Kaelyn said...

This video does convince me that stealth Jihad is a great danger to our safety. It is very scary to think that someone who has so many ties to terrorists is working and has access to all of the government files. I am so surprised that a person with a background like hers is allowed to work for Clinton. It is even more surprising that Clinton visits her mom, who is a known supported of Jihad. I wonder if the government knows the background of their workers, and if they do, why do they allow people with a terrorist background to work for them? Hearing stories like this makes me wonder what other workers in the government have these kind of backgrounds and refuse to give them up or confess them. If many people in the government are terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood might be right. The West could possibly fall because of the government and the people who work there. This is a very scary thought, and I hope that the government looks more closely at the people that they hire to do important and confidential tasks. The West could be damaged because of people who are working with terrorists.

Daniel said...

I just finished watching the Islam video you gave us and I cannot believe that the favourite candidate for presidency has a staff member directly related to the Islam brotherhood association. How is it that almost no one in the news publishes any of this! Huma should be questioned and checked for her close relationship with Saudi Arabia and the radical Islam. This video also shows how even some Americans are working to destroy the West, such as Hillary Clinton and the Clinton organization. I am greatly frustrated by how stealthily Islamists have crept into our countries and how efficiently they are silently destroying them. This now makes me question how many of the decisions that our governments make, are actually be initiated because of radical Islams. It was quite obvious from this video that Saudi Arabia has supported millions of dollars to "certain" Americans which in turn has helped them to further destroy the West. I hope that this video is a warning for everyone that we must be cautious regarding radical Islamists.

Noah Gazmin said...

After watching the video about Huma and her ties with both the US government and terrorists’ groups, I, more than ever am sure of the stealth Jihad that is taking place right under our noses. Seeing that Huma had such a close relationship with Hilary Clinton and had strong ties to terrorism, I do not think that Hilary truly realizes the truth about her “second daughter”. As was mentioned in the last video, stealth Jihad has been in the government for a few decades and yet the government is too afraid that they might offend someone, or they don’t know their own staff. What shocks me is that the government seems like they want to try and please everyone. They literally purged older papers about terrorism because they said it was offensive to Muslims. It seems that they don’t take the safety of the people seriously because it might affect their economy. Hilary Clinton could have been elected as president this past election, and if she had been, who knows how the US would have collapsed. The person in the video said that Hilary is working with someone who she knows has close ties to Jihad for money, but my suspicion is that she really doesn’t know what she is doing. Finally, the fact that Huma hasn’t been arrested is shocking. It doesn’t make me feel safe as a former US citizen that our government is doing the things needed to protect their people.

Emma Whatley said...

This video does convince me that 'stealth jihad' is a great danger to our safety. Even though we are not in America, this does not mean that anyone in our own government could be just as directly related to terrorists. It is surprising to me that these horrible associations were responsible for 20% of the funds behind Clinton's campaign. Does Clinton not know where these funds come from? If she does what kind of person does that maker her, she would have made a partnership for those responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent Americans. If she doesn't know, how many others on her staff could be actual terrorists in themselves? As many of my immediate and extended family live in the US, I am worried for them, although Clinton is not president, who says how many people like her right hand man are in the government.

Jed.S said...

When i first started watching the video i did not think that people under Hilary Clinton are so involved in terrorism. This stealth jihad seems to be an even bigger threat in the long run. This includes Isis and many other terrorist nations. Is also disturbing to think about how most people who voted for Hillary Clinton didn't even know what she was associated with. We found that over 20% of Hillary"s funds were from terrorist associations. Event like 911 would not even be that bad as compared to what would have happened if Hillary Clinton became president. We all know about these dangers but it seems like we can't do anything about it and You are right YOU cannot do anything about it but as a group anything can be done. where there is a will there is a way.

Judah said...

I found it interesting that all of what was mention, about the 9/11 funders and the ties to terrorists, was so close and connected to the United States’ government. Usually, I thought that America would be more cautious when it came to stuff like this, but apparently not. It surprises me that somebody so close to becoming the president of the US could be involved so close to someone with such extreme connection (and an ongoing one for that) to the 9/11 bombings. It's crazy that most Americans don’t even know about this, yet they were willing to throw away their vote for her. It's not even like Hillary Clinton doesn’t know about Huma’s family, it's like she purposely tries to ignore it to be politically correct. This was very shocking, considering that America is a very cautious country (usually).

Anna said...

this video is SUPER scary. The fact that america could have been run by power this close to Jihad is super scary. If Hilary Clinton had a friend so close, she could eventually be persuaded to the friend's beliefs. America could have become what Iran is today. Also, sidetone, Hilary Clinton was a lier so I am very glad she didn't come into power. Why does the media not publish this type of information? Because it is not politically correct? Most likely. We really don't know who is out there, even in places of power.

Alana said...

This video convinces me that stealth Jihad really is a great danger to our safety. I can see that stealth Jihad is literally taking place in America as we speak. It surprises me that Hilary Clinton refers to Huma Abedin as her own daughter, yet refuses to see the strong ties to terrorism that Huma has. The American government is living in fear of offending the Muslims and basically let themselves get pushed aside so that the terrorists can do whatever they’d like. Now that Huma Abedin is in such a high position of power (she also has access to Hilary Clinton’s emails), she can easily report highly confidential information back to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Family and even to Obama. If Hilary Clinton was elected in the past election, who knows what would have happened to the US. It makes no sense to me that a smart person like Hilary Clinton would have no idea that Huma Abedin has such strong ties to terrorism and that this could be dangerous for the US government. What surprises me most is that the US government, if they know what is going on, why they won’t they stop this stealth Jihad from happening.