Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3 Islam before, during, and after the crusades: due this evening

   I will often use short video or audio clips and articles in class. Sometimes I'll have specific questions; other times, I'll ask general questions. Usually, I will leave it open to whomever would like to comment or ask a question. Each class, I will ask at least 3 students directly to comment. Feel free to respond to something a classmate says.

    In the next several classes we will be looking at the crusades, which are typically said to be the cause of islamist revenge towards the West even now, a thousand years later. 
    Bill Warner’s Jihad Map 
       Sources for Jihad Map:                            

Raymond Ibrahim, author of "Sword and Scimitar" explains sharia and why Islamism is the most dangerous ideology facing our world today:

Can Sharia and Freedom Co-exist?


·        Post responses on blog tonight

·        Watch Muslim Brotherhood “overview” —make notes—be ready to answer questions in class

·        Read Essay topics in TEAMS "Assignments"; post any questions on Teams, also, if you have questions about timelines ask on TEAMS; see Emma’s as an example

·        Begin reading “Islam 101” on right side of blog

Blog post due tonight:

Give me at least 4 sentences for each of the videos. What do you find interesting, important, surprising, or shocking? Your responses may focus on one or more of the 4 categories ie. Important only or important and shocking and etc.


Josh Zwicker said...

Jihad Map: I was very interested in the data Warner had collected. You can see that Jihadists were much more violent fighters then the Crusades by just seeing how many times they attack one area. Like, I'm not sure if they could have fit anymore attacks in Spain. Whereas the Crusades had like 10 defense attacks.

PragrU Video: I thought this video was interesting because the author talked about how Muslims will claim that they are peaceful but really they aren't following real Sharia Law, which requires violence. Furthermore, he said that Islamist's don't separate church from state. They actually only use government if it abides by their laws and ideologies. He specified that they are dangerous people, with almost 3,000,000 people Islamist Extremists out theree willing to massacre for their beliefs.

Kaelyn said...

1st video - I think that it is very interesting how different the number of battles between the Crusades and the Islamic ones. Many people think that the people who fought in the Crusades were greedy and evil, while there really were not many battles. It seems crazy that some people compare the Islamic takeovers to the Crusades. They were very different, and there were a lot more Islamic battles.
2nd video - I think that it is very interesting that the person compares Islamism to Communism. People think of communism as a terrible thing that killed many people, but they are not worried that much about Muslims. The number of Muslims that support the stoning and killing of people are crazy. Even if just 2% of Muslims are extremists, that is still millions.
3rd video - I think that it is crazy how a country like Pakistan is considered a democracy. When the man in the video was killed, he got off because people were cheering for him and threatening the judge. Even the people who are supposed to be moderate do nothing. I am surprised that this is the fifth largest democracy in the world.

Daniel said...

Here are my comments on the videos in the order that we watched them:

I thought that the first video was extremely helpful because it clearly showed how long and how many times that the Jihad's have attacked the western civilization. I had no idea that the number of these attacks was so high and it was very interesting to see the full data. In addition, I also found the video interesting because it showed with the crusades can not be given as justification for the Jihad attacks. Most of us grew up hearing that the Muslims attacked because of the crusades but that is the opposite of the truth as the Jihad are the ones who attacked first.

The second video was very interesting because it demonstrated how many Muslims are actually radical or extremists. Most of the countries used in those studies are considered "moderate" countries, but I now see that this is not an accurate representation. It is completely astounding that over 80% of these populations are often in agreement with horrible Islam laws. For example, there is a huge majority of Muslims in favour of the death penalty in oppose to those who disagree with it.

The third video that we viewed was just as astounding as the others because it shows how flawed the democracy of Pakistan really is. I can't believe that the government is so terrified of these terrorists groups that they cannot even arrest someone who murders a good decent man. The people who tried to stop the assassin received so many death threats that they had to go into hiding which is completely unacceptable. I hope the moderate people in these countries stand up for what is right or the western civilization is going to have some huge problems in the upcoming years.

Thanks for showing us those videos!

Anna said...

1st Video: I think it is shocking how they managed to defeat so much land in such little time. It is almost amazing the amount of power they had to conquer. Also, it must have been very intimidating for the countries that were next in their line of shot during the crusades, knowing what they had done to the countries before them. It is weird why these countries did not try to prepare better for these battles knowing the power and strength of Jihad.
2nd Video: The amount of totalitarianism in the Islam religion is scary. Why would these people choose to be part of Islam, well probably because they are forced. But, this religion is these countries is their ultimate government pretty much, it reminds me of North Korea that we learned in Civics and Careers. If you don't conform you are dead, and you have no freedom, that is scary.
3rd Video: The man that was killed in this video was trying to stand up against Islam. It is scary that no one had the guts to stand up against the murderer and did not even try to find justice for the killer. That killing was almost a sign that if you cross us you will be dead next, something that you would think our country would want to stand up against and try to eliminate, but it is dangerous even for them. We can look at the 911 attacks for evidence of that.

Emma Whatley said...

1. I think that is alarming that so many people say the ones who were violent and who's actions were uncalled for were the crusaders. Like I said in class, the crusaders only led 9 crusades and they were for the purpose of attempting to gain something back that was stolen from them, one of the crusades was even led by children! On the other hand, the Jihadists were men who went from town to town and pillaged, plundered, and ransacked, taking slaves, harassing the locals, and killing without reason. Also, like someone mentioned in class, the Jihadists, even after they had conquered a place, continued attacking countries over and over far longer than they needed to, like in Spain.

2. In the 20th century, the terrors of the world included Fascism and Communism, now there is Islamism. Islamism holds many of the same beliefs as Communism and Fascism do and if anyone wishes to flee from it, that person is killed. Although many think that Islamists, or terrorists, are few and far between, we have cause to think otherwise. I think that it is crazy that if only 10 percent of the world's Muslims are Islamists, there would be 150 million radical believers who wish to kill those who oppose them. Islamism is truly a terror of the world.

3. I think that it is shocking that so many people in Pakistan will go as far as to murder people if they oppose them. It is also alarming that when one person stood up for the rights of women, that person was murdered and no one would oversee their funeral out of fear for the murderers. Furthermore, it is shocking that the murderer was applauded when on trial, and set free even though it was clear they had committed murder. Even more alarming is the fact that none of the political leaders bothered or even dared to step up about this. They all remained silent.

Jed.S said...

1st vid: I though it was shocking how many battles took place in one area and how many lands they conquered. they managed conquers so many lands in so little time and at the same time keeps up with the hundreds of battle they fought. Even after all of this they still got no blame and the crusaders were persecuted. I will never understand why the other nations did not team up against the jihadists.
2nd Vid: This video gave us many stats and gave everyone in the class an unpleasant surprise. it was hard to believe the things Muslims were doing and found that most Muslim countries are radical. We found that over 80 percent of all Muslims countries are extremists.Yet the claimed to be moderate.

3rd vid:It was shocking to see the brutality of countries like Pakistan to any one who opposed them. They would as far as shoot down people just for speaking their beliefs. The people who murdered the brave innocent out speakers would be pardoned not by the judge, but by the people. Not only that, but they throw acid in the faces of young girls who attend school.

Noah Gazmin said...

Warner’s Map: It wasn’t too much of a surprise to me that through Jihad the Muslims were took over so much area in such a short amount of time. However, I can’t really figure out how they were able to have so many organized attacks every month. It is kind of surprising that these radicals still have the mindset that it is necessary to kill even though no other organization believes this way. It is as if they do not think for themselves, and only go by what they were taught at a young age.

Raymond Ibrahim PragerU: At the beginning of the video, Ibrahim compares communism and fascism to Islamic terror. Two things that are immediately associated with violence and death that are very widely known. Knowing this, it is surprising that more people don’t regard radical Islamists the same way they do communism. What may be the most surprising, is the fact that the very thing that the western governments believe is what the Muslims oppose (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free enterprise, etc.).

Sharia and Freedom: The most surprising thing in this video is how absurd the moral code is of the radical Islamists. One guard in a high government position was killed by his own bodyguard, and the people were praising him for it. Even the other leaders who did not support his death were too afraid to speak out. Finally, the fact that they couldn’t find one person to do his funeral because none of the religious leaders thought that he deserved to be alive. That is the most messed up thing to me.

Alana said...

1. I found it very interesting how many people have such a great misunderstanding of the Crusades. They would compare the crusades to jihad, but in reality, Islam fought about 548 battles meanwhile there were only about 13 offensive crusade battles. There is certainly no moral comparison between jihad and the crusades.

2. It's crazy how many muslims there are. In the 20th century, fascism and communism were considered the most dangerous ideologies, and now it's Islamism. Many of Islams are prepared to kill anyone that opposes them and that's what makes them dangerous. Islamists are even willing to kill fellow Muslims that oppose them.

3. I find it shocking how the people of Pakistan are so opposed to the ideas of freedom, democracy and pluralism. They would take sides with the murderer of their governor. Then they would threaten the judge that accused the man of murdering the governor so that he had to go into hiding. The people in Pakistan are way too extreme.

Judah said...

Bill Warner's Jihad Map:

I find it kind of interesting that when people talk about the Crusades, they talk while not knowing the full story. While Islam has been continuously attacking the world to conquer land and forcibly convert non-Muslims, the Crusades, although they were fighting and re-conquering land from the Muslims, were also defending the Christians that were forced into submission to Islam by Jihad. Another thing to think about is that, while Jihad has been going on for hundreds of years there were only 10-12 Crusades. Jihad is even a continuous war, while the Crusades only went on during 1080-1260 A.D. Many people make outrageous assumptions about the Crusades, yet they don’t know enough to give a logical explanation to their ideas.

Radical Islam:

It's crazy that Islam is such a communist-like country and nobody even realizes it. They control the country and enforce laws that would be considered against human rights in the West, such as women's rights and freedom of religion. It’s a government that is predominantly controlled by the Islamic military and Jihad. They especially hate freedom-based countries, like the United States and Canada, because they want the entire world to be governed by the Sharia Law and for anyone who opposes Islamic extension to be wiped out.

Can Sharia and Freedom Coexist:

I find it very shocking that a man was killed in the streets of Pakistan and people praised the man who killed him. I would expect something this extreme to reach national television, but at the same time, I would expect the West, in order to not start a conflict with such a socially protected country, to not say much, if anything at all, about this. I also realized that not every person in Pakistan is such a ruthless, barbaric terrorist in Pakistan. Simply because of the just judge who rightfully convicted Mumtaz Qadri of murder. I also feel kind of bad for the judge because he had to suffer from the mental aspect of receiving so many death threats (and not empty death threats either, the people who sent him the death threats are probably fully capable of carrying them out). This entire story was surprising for the least, imagine living in such an extreme environment/country that even trying to do what is right could get you killed.