Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17: Homework: due tonight Understanding the threat of Islam--should we be afraid?

My purpose in focusing on this topic is not to frighten you. The entire world has been turned inside out by fear of a flu virus. Everyone on earth knows COVID 19. Very few know about ideas such as islamism that we should not fear, but we should definitely be aware of and concerned about.

As Christians, we have complete confidence that God works all things for the good of those who love him. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Whatever God allows to happen in this world, we know it is only for a short time and soon we will be with him. .Jesus himself will wipe every tear from every eye. There will be no more sorrow or suffering. 

I don't enjoy teaching you about this subject at all. But I teach it because I believe that what you know about the sometimes ugly things occurring in this fallen world may lead you to pray, to help you protect yourselves and the people you love, and even to play a part in rebuilding our Christian civilization.

As of 2019, there have been approximately 34,000 islamist terror attacks around the world since 1979. The result is approximately 170,000 deaths and countless injuries. These have occurred in more than 60 countries.

Life under sharia: ISIS capitol, city of Raqqa, Syria 2014

In 2009, a US Army Major murders 13, wounds 32 on Fort Hood, Texas, military base: government does not call it an act of terror

Background on Major Nidal Hasan

Does it do more harm than good to expose you, as young Christians, to some scary truths about Islam? Is there, in your opinion, a difference between being concerned about islamism and fearful of it? 

Give me 5 sentences or more by this evening.


Kaelyn said...

I do think that it does good to expose young Christians to Islam. It may be a little scary, but I think that it is important that we know what is happening in our world today. I do think that there is a big difference between being concerned about Islam and being fearful about it. If you are scared of Islam, you will start to act and think very differently and maybe even start to avoid all Muslims. Being concerned is very different because your lifestyle probably will not change, but your thinking and mindset will.

Anna said...

I think it is important that we realize the threat that is in our midst, being Islam. It is important that we know the truth of it, so when we encounter it we are not dumb to its truths. We should be careful of the danger of Islam, and its supporters here in Canada, such as Justin Trudeau( I am talking about this in my essay, I will explain.) I don't think as Christians we are to be afraid of Islam, because ultimately God is our protecter and who are we to question. Also, I think that we are to be aware of the danger and we should think of what we can do if we come across paths with a muslim. We as Christians should put on the full armor of God and not be wary of who stands against us, because we have God on our side.

Emma Whatley said...

I think that it is beneficial to inform us of the truths of Islam. Honestly though, i do not think that watching the scary truths is that beneficial. I know that it is required to know that they are scary, but maybe just less. I think that concern goes hand in hand with fear. You need to be fearful of or for something to be concerned about it. I think that we should not be fearful of what the Islamists will do because all they can do is harm our bodies and not our souls. I think that we should still have a healthy amount of fear, enough to tell us it's wrong.

Daniel said...

I believe that there is a big difference between learning about Islam and being concerned rather than being afraid. As Christians, we should not fear any earthly powers, but that does not mean we should be unaware of evils in this world. If someone or something is performing sins and evil, such as ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood it is the duty of Christians to call them on it and stop them. Additionally, if we are unaware of the stealth jihad then we will easily fall to it and its wickedness. I think that it is very beneficial for Christians to learn about radical Islamsists so we are able to stop them.

Jed.S said...

I really think every one should know about this threat, not to be afraid but to be aware. We should not tolerate something that is banned even in Muslim countries. we should never be afraid of anything but be wary of things. it is one thing to be fearless and wary, and another to be fearless and foolish. even the government throws a blind eye to stealth jihad and even excuses such behavior even if it was intentional. we should do as much as we can and let god do the rest.

Josh Zwicker said...

I think it's very important to learn about Islam and the extremist agenda. They are taking power in swarms and they are not gentle. The worst part about it is that Islamists specifically don't like Christians.

I think there is a difference between being fearful and being concerned. The bible tells us to fear nothing. Being concerned about it allows us to make a plan to deal with it and not push it to the back burner where it will be forgotten.

Alana said...

In my opinion, there is a big difference between being concerned about Islamism and being fearful of it. We, as Christians, shouldn’t fear of Islamism and it’s good for us to realize what is going on in the world and see how we can help. But also, for young Christians it would not be wise to incite fear into their hearts. It’s important for Christians who are rooted in their faith to realize how Islamism could impact the world. We should be aware of these dangerous ideologies and be ready to make a difference in the world.

Noah Gazmin said...

Sorry that I got back to you late on this. I think that it is important for Christians, and really anybody to know what is going on. I think our age might be the earliest that we should be exposed to this just because it might be too traumatizing and scary for younger viewers. Of course we know that there has to be some concern about this otherwise we would just be welcoming the threat of terrorists right in. At the same time we need to remember that everything is in the hands of the Lord, and the end times will come before they can take over. Also, he has a plan through all of this that will bring him the most glory.