Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6 Homework due tonight

Soon after spring break, we will study the Crusades. The first crusade occurred after more than 400 years of Muslim attacks and conquest of Christian countries. The radical Islamic leaders in the Muslim countries and in the West today blame the Crusaders for unprovoked attacks on peaceful Muslims. This is a "fact" used to stir up anger and hatred of the West. Vast numbers of Muslims in so-called moderate countries will cry "Death to America" "Death to Israel". They aren't kidding.

Today, we'll start with a 10 minute segment from the documentary "Obsession". You will see how Muslim hatred of Jews was a great advantage to Hitler.

Finally, we'll watch 15 minutes of a documentary about the first Crusade. I want to emphasize that the spirit of jihad, a holy war to conquer the world for Allah, has existed almost continuously from the death of Mohammed in 632 to the present day.

What have you learned and/or found interesting about what you've seen today?  10 sentences or more

The "Obsession" segment begins at 35 minutes.
The "First Crusade" is on the left side of the blog.


Daniel said...

I think it is super interesting how Hitler is so closely related to the radical Muslims. After all, they both hated the Jewish people so they both had a common goal. It is also surprising to see Modern day Muslims using the same tactics as Hitler used 70 years ago. They are using propaganda just like he is, and are trying to take over the world by misleading their youth. This is seen when you have little Muslim boys and girls claiming the honor that comes of being a suicide bomber. This is not only crazy but completely messed up. Islam has basically stolen these children's childhood and they will be stuck forever believing the lie. I cannot believe why no one is taking notice of these radical Muslims or why no one is trying to stop them. As they claimed in the documentary, history truly is repeating itself.

Alana said...

I found it interesting how the Muslims are closely related to the Nazis. Both groups want to exterminate the Jews. The Muslims are even using the same approach as the Nazis did. They aim for the youth and try to train them into killing their "enemies". These radical Islamist's are teaching these children that it is an honor to die as a suicide bomber. We saw that one young teenager who was found with a suicide bomber vest. To be thinking of killing people at that young an age is just insane. Like they said in the video, history really is repeating itself. And to think there could be a World War III as well, Islam might be the one to initiate it. But the scary part is, lots of people in the west are oblivious to what is happening. They don't want to have to do anything about this issue. These videos are really great because they can open people's eyes to the subject.

Kaelyn said...

I think that it is very interesting how closely the Muslims are related to the Nazis. One of the people in the video commented on how history keeps repeating itself, and they are totally right. In the video, it talks about how the Prime Minister of Britain tried to make peace with the Nazis, and this did not work. In fact, people claim that if they just allied themselves with the countries that were against the Nazis, it would have been better. People see the same pattern happening today with the Muslims. We are just ignoring their actions and not considering them a big threat. Another thing that surprised me in the video was the fact that Hitler allowed a Muslim to come and meet with him, because he only liked the Arian race. He met with the Muslim because they had a common goal: to kill the Jews. Muslims today still want the Jewish race to be destroyed, and they sometime chant and even brainwash the kids into thinking that the Jews, along with America and the West are evil and need to be destroyed. The kids are singing about how they want to be suicide bombers and die for the sake of Allah. This is crazy, and many people do not realize how intent some of the people are on killing the Jews. This needs to be realized and needs to be acted upon.

Jed.S said...

i found very interesting how Hitler was involved in the growth of jihad.I was also quite surprised at the deception of the Nazis. Usually when peace treaties are signed countries abide by them and not go back on their word. especially not right away. these instances are quite disappointing and astonishing. This is because when treaties are signed defenses are put to rest and people are not expecting an attack right away. I also was surprised at how cartoon shows in Arab countries feature kids talking about becoming suicide bombers. They are brain washed into thinking Jews are bad. they think that Jews have to be destroyed because of a "curse" god has set on them. i will never cease to be surprised by these sad events

Noah (Unggoy) Gazmin said...

I gathered a lot of useful information from both the Obsession video as well as the crusade video today. In the Obsession video, we learned about how the radical Muslims are a lot like Hitler’s army and regime. We see that both groups wanted their own race to prevail and be the only dominant race. They also wanted to eliminate the Jews specifically. We also know that Hitler and one of Islamic leaders met together at a special meal, and Hitler inspired the Arab leader to follow in his footsteps. This is partly why there is still so much terror today. Another thing that keeps coming up are clips of people who do not realize that we are being threatened by terrorists right now. Again and again we keep hearing about how people are so ignorant about the oncoming attacks. The one man said that there will be more attacks but we are not being threatened. Clearly he does not understand that thousands of lives could be taken if there is another major bombing like 9/11. We know from the Bible that the Muslims will not dominate the entire world like they say, but that does not mean that we should sit back and let them do what they want.
In the crusade video, I learned about how this new army of the Turks were influenced by Islam and started taking over a ton of land from the Christians. The Christian emperor called for help from the pope who saw that this was a good opportunity to put the two sides of the church back together. He sent reinforcements who got slaughtered. Then the nobles and royals each joined up at Constantinople and with a huge army started to make their way into the Turkish land. They eventually captured part of it and started to make their way further in and down to Jerusalem. The video ended saying that disaster struck on the way to Jerusalem, but it was not explained further.