Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5 the ROM lessons

In my "office" I've set up 7 centers from the ROM kit. They are designed I'd say for 6th grade to 8th, so we can't use any of them exactly as they are intended. But, we may be able to make some use of Center 2: Castles  and Center 5: Knights.

I'd like each group, starting with Jed and Judah to spend 10 minutes. Take a good look at these two centers and for homework, each student will post comments on what you think we could do with them, if anything, in our presentations to the 4's. It won't be a big deal, but we can maybe focus on these centers for 5 to 10 minutes.

I know Jed and Judah are not doing either Knights or Castles specifically, but I'd still like your ideas. Groups must be no more than 10 minutes each.


Josh Zwicker said...

I think that they could be used by us for props if the station has some. Two, we could use them as research for our lesson. Three, we could photocopy them and use them as games for the kids. They could follow the instructions on the front of the folders and come back with answers for us. We could separate them into groups, do the activity, and they could present. We could also add in topics that we taught to them so they and add that to their presentations. Finally, we could have some free time at the end and they could just look at the booklet etc.

Daniel said...

March 5 Review of a medieval website:

Here is the link to my website:

The title of this website is a YouTube video called how to joust like a medieval knight

I think that we can definitely use this website as a secondary source for our PowerPoint presentation. The video is well done with high quality, and I think adding it into the PowerPoint would make the lesson more engaging. This is because the grade 3-4s will likely enjoy watching some knights get bashed of horses. In addition, the narrator/knight also gives a good summary of the concept of ancient jousting. This would be a great addition to either our PowerPoint or lesson plan.

Here is another website I found:

The title of this website is Meet the Edmund Fitz William a Knight

This website can definitely be used as a small activity in our lesson plan. The website provides different games and information which our group can incorporate into our PowerPoint. For example, there are multiple knights coloring pictures that we can download for free from the Cardiff castle website. These pictures can be something for the kids to color in while we are explaining what a knight’s armour is and how it is used in jousting. This site also had word searches that we can use for another potential activity.

Jed said...

i think that this is a perfect way to show the kids how things were back in medieval times. Since Judah and I are doing weapons of war, we could use the chain mail and the hero cards to show how armour and protection against the weapons were used. We can also use the hero cards to give some context on what times the weapons would be used. these can be helpful to those kids who are visual and kinetic learners as the can look and feel at the centers. we can also explain the items for those who prefer to listen. We can also use websites that explain and interact with the kids like:

This website walks through things like castles, locations, archery, defences, weapons, and knights. these are helpful for the kids as they not only explain the weapon but explains the background information needed to understand the weapons better. the also show the users of the weapon and how knight would use them. the website also shows how the castles would be build to make sure it was harder to use the weapons of war against them. they have games and fun mini quizes to keep you engaged. this website would be a very effective way of teaches the grade Fours.

Noah (Unggoy) Gazmin said...

The ROM kit that we looked at had some useful ideas and simple facts that the younger kids would understand. For example, there was a picture of a rug with a pattern on it. The booklet talked about it and and asked some questions that the kids could answer. It also had an activity where students would recreate the carpet out of tiles that they could put their own design on. There were also some fun facts about castles that we could use.

Daniel said...

The Rom Kit can definitely be used in our lesson plan. I like the details in the Knights and armor book so we can use that. It provides some neat details and interesting facts so that is good. Also gives some good pictures of knights and their armor. Also, the chain links will be really fun for the Grade 4 kids to pass around. Unfortunately, I think that those are the only things that we use. After all, our topic only relates to knights and jousting so we can't use the castle handbook or any other medieval artifact. Also, we definitely need to use the clown for the jousting competition. Thx Mr. Topalian have a good march break!

Kaelyn said...

I think that the ROM kit will be interesting to use in our lesson. We are talking about knights, and it will be cool to actually be able to show the kids what armor the knights actually wore, because there was a piece of chain mail in the kit. I think that the kids will like to be able to see what they are learning, and have it come to life. There is not much else that we can use, and I think that we will make our own lesson, not really based on the books in the kit. Thanks Mr. Topalian for getting these real artifacts!