Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5 Homework and what's next

Today, each of you will look at a different website from the ones I show you at Grade 4 Projects "Fantastic Medieval Websites". There are more sites than you see on the linked page. Scroll down and click on one of the other books at the bottom and different sets of websites will come up.

You need to write a 10 sentence review of what your group might be able to do with the grade 4's using something from the website. Don't rush this. In fact, I don't want anyone to post during class. Do this for homework tonight. 

You may work on it during class and save it to complete later. I will only mark what is posted tonight. You must include the name and url of the website you are reviewing. Agree with your team on which website each is reviewing. I want each to look at a different one.

I changed the goal for tomorrow. You don't have to submit a group plan yet. 

We will have a double period to present, so you can plan for a longer activity or activities. Probably one full period for activities and one period that is mainly presentation.

We only have two weeks after the break to prepare and I can't use every class. If anyone would like to take home a ROM lesson plan during the break, let me know. 


Josh Zwicker said...

Website Name: Castles and the Medieval World
Review: This website has a lot of information on the basics of castles. It tells us about the first castles ever made and why and how they started. It has multiple sections inside the article too. There is a timeline of castles over the years, examples of castles, what is inside of castles, etc. We could use this website mainly for our research as it has almost everything that we are looking for. We can take reference and quotes from this website too. Another way we could use this website is by giving a topic to the little kids, having them do some quick research on it, and presenting. We could also provide the link to them so they could look around on the website. After they look around, we could ask them questions about it. Furthermore, we could provide the link to the grade four teacher so he could use the link if he needed in the future or after we leave.

Unknown said...

Website name: Design a Coat of Arms


This website was about the coat of arms and how they would make them. With the information received we can allow the 4’s to design their own coat of arms and put it on a cardboard shield. We can show them translations of mottos (ones they make up themselves or from real historical figures) from English to Latin so that the coat of arms would look better. At the same time, the 4’s can learn a bit of Latin. The 4’s will also be able to create and design swords, spearheads, and shields. Jed and I will both give mini-presentations about weapons of war and how they were used during times of war (Judah = catapults, Jed = Crossbows). We will talk about how the kingdom would defend their walls, like hot oil and arrows. We can get the kids to participate in team competition (undecided) with a candy or toy prize. Jed and I will also relate the medieval inventions to modern inventions and the process’ both went through to become better for war (i.e. devices before Medieval times and devices before modern warfare). We hope to teach all this through games, presentations, and prizes.

Judah said...

i did the above comment

Kaelyn said...

Website name: Knights and armor
I decided to look at website five under Knights and armor. The first thing that I realized is that there are so many different types and pieces of armor. I think that for the grade 3/4 class it would be more beneficial to do the armor that is usually used on the knights so that it would be easier for them to understand. The helmet that I knight would usually use is called a great helm, and it had a visor on it so that the knight could see out of it. This website is very helpful because it talks about the weight of all the armor and who uses it. Mail is what many people think that knights usually wear, and apparently it is still used today by fishermen who work with sharp knives. I think that facts like these would be cool to share with the 3/4’s. This website is also good because it has many pictures that are clear and will help the 3/4’s to visualize how the armor is used. These pictures would also be good to use in the PowerPoint and will really bring the presentation to life. This website also talks about the armor that a horse would wear, and I think that the 3/4’s will like learning about the animals that the knights used and how they got dressed up. This would also make a good craft. This is a very interesting website that has good pictures and gives interesting and less known information on knights and their armor.

Alana said...

Website Name: Castles and Castle Defenses

With this site we can teach the Grade 4's everything they need to know about castles and why they are important. This website is helpful because not only does it give useful information, but it also gives fun facts. It tells us what the biggest castle in the world is. Also, this websites answers any questions about castles and gives pictures too which is important. From this website I could make a powerpoint slide to give the information about castles in a fun way. The kids would love to hear how castles are useful for defense and all the different defense mechanisms that castles possess. This website is helpful and gives lots of great information about castles. I'm sure the kids will really enjoy the lesson.

Noah (Unggoy) Gazmin said...

The URL of the website that I thought would be the most helpful is, .

This website gives plenty of information about the basics of castles that is important to know. It also has fun facts such as "which castle is the largest". The fun facts can be put throughout the presentation that will keep the 4's interested. There are also many pictures so that the students can have a visual representation of all the castles and the different parts. Probably the most interesting thing about the website was the timeline. The timeline gives a bunch of pictures about the progression of castles. It also explains the differences between each one. I know this will be interesting for the students because those kind of things were and still are very interesting to me. Something that would be helpful that we could probably find on other sites are the different types and structures of castles made by different countries. For example, castles in Britain looked very different than castles from Japan.

Jed.S said...

i think that this is a perfect way to show the kids how things were back in medieval times. Since Judah and I are doing weapons of war, we could use the chain mail and the hero cards to show how armour and protection against the weapons were used. We can also use the hero cards to give some context on what times the weapons would be used. these can be helpful to those kids who are visual and kinetic learners as the can look and feel at the centers. we can also explain the items for those who prefer to listen. We can also use websites that explain and interact with the kids like:

This website walks through things like castles, locations, archery, defences, weapons, and knights. these are helpful for the kids as they not only explain the weapon but explains the background information needed to understand the weapons better. the also show the users of the weapon and how knight would use them. the website also shows how the castles would be build to make sure it was harder to use the weapons of war against them. they have games and fun mini quizes to keep you engaged. this website would be a very effective way of teaches the grade Fours