Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Thursday, Oct. 31st Grammar Bytes: Parallel structure

The Grammar Bytes website, linked on the upper right side of this blog, has some useful and fun material for refreshing and developing English skills. 

Today, I want you to first watch the powerpoint presentation on the topic of parallel structure.

Then do just the first 5 questions on Interactive Exercise 1.

Finally, in the comment link at the bottom of this post, answer the following:

1. Did you learn anything new from the Powerpoint or was this mainly just a refresher?

2. What did you think of the interactive exercise?

3. Also, what was your impression of David Taylor's explanation of the five paragraph essay?

You may write as much as you wish in response to these questions. I want to see if you find the website interesting and useful. Also, I want you to get used to how to post responses. If we do anything that requires a longer response during the semester, you can work in Word, then copy and paste into a comment box.


Jed.S said...

This was a great refresher

Noah Gazmin said...

I agree

Kaelyn said...

The powerpoint was a refresher, and the exercises were good for practicing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of the comments above

Anonymous said...