Monday, April 27, 2020

April 27 The Vikings: what were the most valuable goods that they had? Who paid them the most?

The past is present

  • early Christian persecution--persecuted Christians today
  • 7th Century jihad--21st century jihad
  • Medieval muslim/viking slavery--muslim slavery today

If you want to make your mark as a historian, research the relations between Vikings and Muslims, 8th to 11th centuries. Very few people have written about this. 

The western Scandinavian raiders are known as Vikings; the eastern raiders who travelled overland to the Middle East are called Varangians by historians: same people, two different slave trading routes. 
Vikings of the East: video

In "Al Andalus", Islamic Spain:

A white girl without education cost 1,000 dinars of gold. A white girl with singing abilities cost 14,000 dinars. In Abd al-Rahman III’s court there were 3,750 slaves, his harem had 6,300 women,
          Fernandez-Morera, Dario. The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise (pp. 158-159). Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ORD). Kindle Edition. 

Isis sex slave price list:

Viking slave trade--mid 9th century: 2 to 5:06

Truth about the history of the African slave trade  3:30

Today: Africans sold into Libyan slave markets: 1:44

Brave CNN reporter films Libyan slave market: 5

Did you know that Muslim slave traders captured English men, women, and children from the 1500's to about 1815? 11 mins

Iceland: DNA tests reveal that more than half of the women are celtic  while 80% of the men are Viking. The women were enslaved from Ireland and Scotland.

What we know about Viking slaves: National Geographic article

Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, an Arab from Baghdad who encountered the men of Scandinavia in his travels, wrote that Vikings treated their female chattel as sex slaves. If a slave died, he added, “they leave him there as food for the dogs and the birds.”

Historians answer questions about Viking slavery: slave from northern Europe tripled in value by the time they reached Islamic markets, and Viking-Age Scandinavia picked up a lot of silver. 

Recently, hundreds of thousands of Islamic coins from the eighth century were found in Scandinavia. Hundreds of thousands of coins (which must themselves represent only a tiny fraction of those in circulation) that have been recovered across the Viking world to date.

What else besides slaves could Vikings have sold that was more valued by the Muslims?

I see some interesting dots--might they be connected?

  • There was a huge slave market in Islamic regions.
  • Cordoba, the capital of Spain, was a major market for European slaves.
  • Within a hundred year period, say mid 700's to 800's, many Muslim rulers in Spain were blonde haired and blue eyed. How did that happen?
  • Within decades, the Viking raiders had stolen everything worth stealing in Europe. So what was worth stealing for another two hundred or so years?

  • Baghdad, in modern Iraq, was the capital of the Abbasid Islamic Empire, also a major slave market.
  • The Vikings captured hundreds of thousands of European slaves, mostly women and children, from the late 700's to approximately 1000.
  • The Vikings sold slaves in both Cordoba and Baghdad during this time.
  • Viking trade routes encircled Europe. By sea in the west, and by land and sea from the north all the way to Iran via Russia--the word "Russia" is derived from "Rus" Rus was was the self-description of people living in coastal eastern Sweden around the eighth century.

The period of Viking raids on Europe covered much the same time period as the Muslim domination of Al Andalus--Spain. When the Muslims were losing control of Spain in the 11th century, the Viking raids ceased.

1. Did you find any connection between the Vikings and the Islamic slave trade in "The Fury of the Northmen" lecture?

2. What did you find most interesting in the lecture? Why?
As much as you can explain in one minute

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24 Jihad in Canada: not so stealthy

Deception=Taqiyya: when soldiers don't know the enemy 2019 59:52 to 1:06:52

Trudeau welcomes 60 terrorists back into Canada--2017

Trudeau makes RCMP delete intel on illegal Islamic migrants-2017

Trudeau study backs anti-Islamophobia crackdown: bill M103-2018

Look what's up at York U --2018-- 0 to 1:09 and 6:20 to 9:10

Sharia financing in Canada

Shariah financing in Canada--promoted by top advisor to possible Conservative leader, Erin O'toole

April 24 Up next: the Vikings

Remember: read the "Fury of the Northmen" lecture on the weekend. Only 20 minutes!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Class: April 20: The Muslim Brotherhood's stealth techniques for destroying us from within

I think you know that the scheduled Wednesday Q and A class is optional, but the M and F classes are required. Also, the short blog homework assignments are necessary to complete.  A few students have fallen behind in this.

When you read this, you may be tempted to FREAK OUT. Don't! I am not heartless.

We will see today, Monday, that the Muslim Brotherhood is operating on a plan called the Explanatory Memorandum that was drafted in 1991. At that time, almost all the legal, mainstream Brotherhood groups operating in the USA were partners. Since then, dozens more islamist groups have sprung up. Part 2 of the Center for Security videos will help you understand a lot about the "stealth jihad". 

1.Homework in 3 parts this week: based on Part 2 video
Estimated time: 30 minutes to view; 15 minutes for each 3 stealth methods: ie 1 hour 15 minutes by Friday

Bonus: This homework will help you in the jihad topic of your essay.

I'm listing all 9 techniques they are using:
1 Information dominance:
2 Prohibit ‘blasphemy’ and ‘slander’
3 Media self-censorship:
4. Demanding favored treatment for Muslims, as individuals or as a community
5. Demands on Educational system
6. Deceive and enlist other faith groups, especially Christian, into cooperating by “bridge building”
7. Sharia compliant finance
8 Sharia in American courts

9. Place friends or their own agents in positions of influence eg Huma Abedian

By tonight, I want you to briefly explain the first 3, giving one example of each method that concerns you. Which of these 3 is most concerning? Why?  

Before class, Wednesday, post up the same about the next 3 techniques, and before Friday's class,  the last 3.

If you have time, you can cover all nine asap, but only post them up on schedule. This is important!

On Friday, I'll kahoot you on these stealth methods. Also, I'll give you detailed notes taken from the video. I'll expect you to know these well. At some point in May, I will give you something between a quiz and a test on it.

2.Homework due next weekend:

Estimated time: 15 to 20 minutes to read each lecture; 

Read Lecture 17,  Vikings;   and Lecture 21, Al Andalus

3.Draft of Essay due two weekends from now:
Estimated time: 2 to 3 hours per week this week and next = 4 to 6 hours total by May 2

In two weeks, ie by Saturday, May 2nd, email me a Word document with a draft of the essay. I'll give you part marks for the quality of the draft and I will give you feedback. The final version will be due on May 16th, again by email.

Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17: Homework: due tonight Understanding the threat of Islam--should we be afraid?

My purpose in focusing on this topic is not to frighten you. The entire world has been turned inside out by fear of a flu virus. Everyone on earth knows COVID 19. Very few know about ideas such as islamism that we should not fear, but we should definitely be aware of and concerned about.

As Christians, we have complete confidence that God works all things for the good of those who love him. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Whatever God allows to happen in this world, we know it is only for a short time and soon we will be with him. .Jesus himself will wipe every tear from every eye. There will be no more sorrow or suffering. 

I don't enjoy teaching you about this subject at all. But I teach it because I believe that what you know about the sometimes ugly things occurring in this fallen world may lead you to pray, to help you protect yourselves and the people you love, and even to play a part in rebuilding our Christian civilization.

As of 2019, there have been approximately 34,000 islamist terror attacks around the world since 1979. The result is approximately 170,000 deaths and countless injuries. These have occurred in more than 60 countries.

Life under sharia: ISIS capitol, city of Raqqa, Syria 2014

In 2009, a US Army Major murders 13, wounds 32 on Fort Hood, Texas, military base: government does not call it an act of terror

Background on Major Nidal Hasan

Does it do more harm than good to expose you, as young Christians, to some scary truths about Islam? Is there, in your opinion, a difference between being concerned about islamism and fearful of it? 

Give me 5 sentences or more by this evening.

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6 Homework due Wednesday: An example of stealth jihad

By Wednesday: watch this 10 minute video and answer the following questions:

  • Does this video convince you that the 'stealth jihad' is a great danger to our safety? 
  • What surprises or shocks you most?

Give me at 5 to 10 sentences in response.

April 6 The Top Ten

The Top Ten Most Ridiculous Laws in the Islamic Republic of Iran

April 6 The Most Powerful Islamic Country in the Middle East--Supported by China, Russia, the EU and the USA during the Obama government

Today, I want to lighten things up a bit :) though we are thinking about one of the world's most serious issues: the Islamist danger to freedom.

Iran is a nation of 100 million people, ruled since 1979 by Islamist fanatics. As in China, many of the people are hostages to their own criminal regime. Many Iranians are not Muslim and some who are, hate their own "government". 

Iran is known as the world's number one state sponsor of terror. Ironically, many countries that have suffered Iranian sponsored terror remain quite friendly to the fanatic islamists. Why? Follow the money.

Iran is the home of the Shiite branch of Islam, about 10 percent of the world's Muslim population. Since the death of Mohammed, they have fought bloody wars against the Sunni branch of Islam, based in Saudi Arabia. All this results from a dispute over who should have been the leader of Islam following Mohammed's death.

We'll take a look at one of the videos by Anni Cyrus, who was given away as a child bride. She grew up in Iran, but is an American. Despite her terrible experiences, she has a sense of humor when pointing out some of the ridiculous aspects of life under Islam. Any one of these can be my entry into the weirdest, funniest facts contest :), which by the way, we'll keep going. 

By Wednesday you need to email me your entry. We'll keep track of points and you can cash in when we're done with virtual school. The theme this week must be funny or weird things about Islam. Take care not to post something that is too disgusting; try to aim for funny. If I think it's not appropriate, I won't include it!

Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3 Islam before, during, and after the crusades: due this evening

   I will often use short video or audio clips and articles in class. Sometimes I'll have specific questions; other times, I'll ask general questions. Usually, I will leave it open to whomever would like to comment or ask a question. Each class, I will ask at least 3 students directly to comment. Feel free to respond to something a classmate says.

    In the next several classes we will be looking at the crusades, which are typically said to be the cause of islamist revenge towards the West even now, a thousand years later. 
    Bill Warner’s Jihad Map 
       Sources for Jihad Map:                            

Raymond Ibrahim, author of "Sword and Scimitar" explains sharia and why Islamism is the most dangerous ideology facing our world today:

Can Sharia and Freedom Co-exist?


·        Post responses on blog tonight

·        Watch Muslim Brotherhood “overview” —make notes—be ready to answer questions in class

·        Read Essay topics in TEAMS "Assignments"; post any questions on Teams, also, if you have questions about timelines ask on TEAMS; see Emma’s as an example

·        Begin reading “Islam 101” on right side of blog

Blog post due tonight:

Give me at least 4 sentences for each of the videos. What do you find interesting, important, surprising, or shocking? Your responses may focus on one or more of the 4 categories ie. Important only or important and shocking and etc.

April 3 Coronavirus is nothing compared to these

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus aka Covid19, has panicked the entire world. We are told how to prevent infection--social distancing--how to identify it--fever, aches and pains, proper testing--and we hope to know soon how to treat it and eliminate it.

There are two far more deadly ideological viruses in our world. 

Communism is one that has murdered more than 100 million people in less than a century.

Islam is the other, which has in 1400 years accomplished a massive body count. 

We in the West, once known as Christendom, have lost our foundation in Jesus Christ. Most of us are completely unaware that both Communism and Islam are infinitely more dangerous than any physical virus. 

Many Muslims are peaceful people--in spite of their religion. By the end of our course you will understand why Islam, if practiced according to its actual rules, is more truly represented by ISIS.

The booklet "Islam 101", linked on the right of the blog, gives us a brief, accurate, and powerful understanding of Islam that will help us to defend our Christian faith as well as to confront and challenge the symptoms of viral Islam wherever they appear.

Start reading it now. I will assign and discuss topics as we go along.